Thanks all for considering this;
I think the best way to limit risks is to provide plugins in trusted libraries, from trusted sources. then people could also install these in an empty html and run a vulnerability test using a plugin designed to highlight risks. As soon as a library contains something doggy the community can react.
To facilitate this I would like an easy way to collect and publish a library from a single file wiki, then the well known and trusted people can publish libraries that they themself can check or anyone in the community. Libraries contain plugins frozen in a moment of time, Only libraries so tested would be listed publicly. With all other sources the designer can run a (latest) vulnerability test published on and if we must we can blacklist or whitelist plugins or “signatures” in this vulnerability tester.
In another discussion I am also calling for a hash tool which although not invulnerable would add another layer of testing, mostly to see which system tiddlers have being modified, and this would just make cheating more difficult.
The power we have on our side is the community and the ability to collect and centralise data in a way that “outsiders” have more work to do before they can compromise anyone to a large extent, ie make it harder and cause diminishing returns. We can also ensure we have trusted sources and be able to test them. In this light we may even benefit from people hacking, because we can identify the vectors and respond.
But finally I want to reinforce in many wiki editions or personal on my desktop/mobile only, I do not want features crippled, diminished or destroyed for when the wiki may be placed on an internet facing editable platform. This is why I think the vulnerability test tool has the greatest value. Horses for courses.