[tw5] Count[], sum[] etc. in nested lists?

Arg. Please ignore the macro “theCount”. That was part of an initial plan that I tossed aside.

Thank you CJ, this solution indeed works as well! I enjoyed following along step by step the construction of the final filter and feel that your idea of “duplicating” each title at the beginning will be another useful technique that I can utilize when needed.

tiistai 14. syyskuuta 2021 klo 3.47.40 UTC+3 cj.v...@gmail.com kirjoitti:

Well, do love, LOVE, filtering in TiddlyWiki.

That, I think, comes from my love for SQL (in particular Oracle SQL), ever since being taught “relational algebra” at university many many many moons ago.

One would think I would be as passionate about APL, but I could not stand all of the glyphs (I have a hard time figuring out elevator open/close door buttons.)

The beauty of filtering in TiddlyWiki, just like writing SQL, is the idea of transformations from start to finish: tweak tweak tweak tweak.

Sometimes, the transformations are helped by adding more bulk.

So much fun.

BTW, I’m some glad you started this thread. I was not aware of that {tiddler!!field} beauty in filtering. Or saw it before and just did not clue in. That is good stuff. Thanks for showing that and your use case !