TW 5.2.3 is Getting Ready to Be Released

It can be done, hovering mouse show the names. It can also be designed such that names be appeared at the bottom.

The current form has no harmony with other elements in the release tiddler. The long list with a lot of empty space looks ugly! Note to the font size.

Even just some columns would improve it,

Also adding contributors other than those who made GitHub PR’s. The next release has a Fix for a bug I discovered and raised as an issue, I have also asked someone else to submit a change but typically I get no mention :frowning_face: only the one time I did a PR, but since I am not so sure how to fork the repository (or if I need to) I am not sure how to do it again. I will eventually, but I am thinking of others who are unnamed.


First trial: Just images and link, name appears as tooltip

To give a try

  1. download Contributors - i.json (1.3 KB)

  2. drag and drop over

  3. open Contributors


Second trial: Images and link, and username

To give a try

  1. download Contributors - ii.json (1.3 KB)
  2. drag and drop over
  3. open Contributors - ii

I do like this one quite a bit. It looks good. @jeremyruston we should consider Contributors - ii.json … but did you merge something from tobibeer lately?

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This is the proposed implementation of contributor section in 5.2.3.
Below image shows contributors to 5.2.0

It looks more colorful :wink: and live than the previous contributors section! I like to see the faces and am glad to see many volunteers helping and improving TW.

It’s a good point.

The reason is that I can figure out the contributors just by looking at the commit list. It’s much harder to keep track of the underlying contributor for an issue, and we don’t have a systematic mechanism for doing so. In the meantime, it does provide another incentive to make even a simple PR – we do credit docs updates because they end up in the same commit history.

The current macro only works for GitHub usernames in any case; perhaps we’d need a separate section for the usernames of other contributors.

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Worth mentioning here that making a documentation PR does not require any technical or Git knowledge: PR-maker


Jeremy I Guessed this was the case. I am personally happy to follow the path @saqimtiaz proposes below. However I would suggest there is cohort of users, reluctant to take this step to submit a PR or change but are key to ideas that get added to tiddly wiki.

  • One approach may be for any of the development team who do submit a PR on behalf of, for or as a result of another contributor, have the opportunity to name this “external contributor” in a repository somewhere (perhaps even in an acknowledgement tiddler, 1 per release?) with the PR number included.
    • For example when you kindly completed my suggestion [IDEA] Extend tiddler subtitle to be hackable with a tag for 5.2.3? #6775 you could register “@AnthonyMuscio #6779” as a contributor. But the same could be done by reference to a user ID or post if the user was not in GitHub, The PR itself could include an addition of this line to the version acknowledgement tiddler (but that’s a different repository? so some automation would help.)
  • I am primarily thinking of others in this suggestion, so more of the community can be recognised as contributing. (this does not mean “I do not, personally want to be acknowledged” sometimes)
  • A less satisfying alternative would be to allow community members who know they contributed to a particular release to be able to submit this fact and references to evidence, before the release goes live, say via

And there is a HowTo here in the group: 7 Steps to Improve the TiddlyWiki Documentation … From my personal experience I can say it’s the most convenient way to edit TW documentation, since it can be directly seen. … Creating the PR is filling a form and click a button. After creating a backup … of course :wink:


New Feature

One new lovely feature in TW 5.2.3p is the customizable Tiddler subtitle. I love it!

Among many possibility, now I can even add a logo or company/university badge as subtitle without touching core tiddlers.

Special thanks goes to @TW_Tones (proposed this) and @jeremyruston (implemented this) and core developers @saqimtiaz and @pmario.

Thank you all.



  1. download mylogo-subtitle.json (214 Bytes)
  2. drag and drop on
  3. open any tiddler like TiddlyWiki Pre-release

So where do we see the action ??? Just a query ???

TW 5.2.3 equipped with a new suffix (flat) for :map filter run prefix!
Now you can do amazing stuff with TW 5.2.3


suffix NEW IN: 5.2.3 flat to return all results from the filter run, If omitted (default), only the first result is returned.

Give a try on

[tag[Widgets]] :map:flat[tagging[]] :and[!is[blank]unique[]]

New in Tiddlywiki 5.2.3

The listField for checkbox is a new parameter in TW 5.2.3. It lest you create stuffs like a quick list! See @TW_Tones solution for making a Task with clickable Todos.

Continuing the discussion from The quickest and easiest ever todolist in tiddlywiki ? Requires 5.2.0:


This for each-like functionality is really powerful stuff and will make solving a certain class of problems in WikiText so much easier! Thanks @saqimtiaz for implementing this so quickly.

Have a nice day

PS: This change to the :map filter run prefix is not yet mentioned in the release notes, I think.


New Feature

Have you tried dynamic stylesheet in TW 5.2.3? Now stylesheets look very nice in TW 5.2.3
If you have installed Highlight.js then you can enjoy the sexy colors :wink:

NEW Look of Stylesheet:

OLD Look of Stylesheet:

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This wonderful feature lets me to have a customized Task tiddler with nice information on the subtitle, like below (Courtesy from Mehragan Edition)
Mehregan Task tiddler now has due date and priority on the tiddler.

Thank you TW 5.2.3


It has long being outstanding so I asked for this here so I am happy we have it.

  • Its also good for word and character counts

This plugin has been upgraded:

Stylesheet in edit mode:

Styleshhet is not proper shown:

Hi @StS

The new behaviour is to display stylesheets in their wikified form, which is the generated text that the browser actually sees. Doing so has enabled us to enable syntax highlighting for the display. We can’t use syntax highlighting when showing the raw text of stylesheet tiddlers that contain wikitext constructions (ie macros etc).

To make a particular stylesheet display as plain text you can give the tiddler a field “code-body” set to “yes”.

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