Transclusion with Non-Camel Case?

I’m a newbie, and I’ve been using and Grok TiddlyWiki to help me develop (slowly, like, very slowly) but I’m wondering why I can’t have spaces in titles that are transcluded.

Here is the code:

{{"""Jane Doe"""!!phone }}

I know that the Jane Doe tiddler has a phone n uber in it. I also know that the JaneDoe tiddler will show the phone number when used here. I thought the triple double brackets would fix the problem with the space being there, but it didn’t.

Is it just an impossible thing?
But I feel like there’s some silly little thing that I’m missing.

Thank you.

Welcome to the community @Casi_Nerina

Try {{Jane Doe!!phone}} should work. We call this tiddlername!!fieldname a text reference.

More an more once you learn filters we can also use a “filtered transclusion” {{{ [[Jane Doe]get[phone]] }}} in which we can test other things.

For more info sarch in the forums, but in the following I discuss using the longform of transclude How to use the transclude widget and shorthand transcludes and Putting transclusion inside a transclusion? - #7 by TW_Tones and others.

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Thank you @TW_Tones, I could have sworn that wasn’t pulling up the phone number when I initially put it in, which is why I put the triple double brackets. I’ll try to pay more attention to my wikigrammar in the future.

Thank you for the links.

Sure, I should have said in this example the tiddler title is define as that between {{ and !! that is the beginning and end is delimited by these special characters so what is between them can include space. Not unlike in filters [[tiddler name]] or consider the <<macroname>> but since parameters need to come after the name <<macroname parameter>> space is the new delimiter. So macro names can’t contain spaces. We tend to use _ or - between words.

  • These are not bespoke to TiddlyWiki rules, similar rules are found in most software and languages and provide reusable knowledge.

Just look for the long form such as macrocall, transclude widget etc… if you are having difficulty.


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hihi, This can happen from time to time if one of the transclusions has a typo. So the first thing I do if something does not show up: “Check for typos and uppercase / lowercase differences” in tiddler-titles and also field-names

Also see for more info.

PS: Welcome! :slight_smile:

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