ToDoNow: How to include a calculation of due-dates?

I try to make the Plugin “ToDoNow” ( more useful for me.
For that I need a calculation of due-dates (f.e. add 1 year or 14 days), which is useable inside the ToDo-list (but for both tags: ToDo & ToDoNow).
Mostly I need the calculation from “today” (=<<now>>), but sometimes also from the original due-date.
In the ToDo-list I need 3 fields:
1: number =how many,
2: days /months /years
3: from today or from the original due-date,
for being able to say f.e. “add now 1 year to today” or “add now 14 days to the original due-date”.

Or even the best: If this calculation could be inside the datepicker (datepicker), this would be really a dream :slight_smile: .

These two work for me, but they do not bring the full features needed for me:
$:/_Macros/FutureDate.js, file to download
and Date Conversion Macros.

How can I adjust them to get the features which I need?
Or do you now any other possibility?

Thank you all, Noushka
TW 5.1.21, Firefox, Windows 10

Again lets mention @telmiger

I edited your post to wrap your little code snippet in backticks so its readable (=<<now>>)

I am sure we can help, but once again we need to establish the details to help.

  • If you could share a copy without your confidential information it may be easier to help.
  • Share with many or select one trusted user to help.

Thanks for the mention, I am happy to hear that there still are people around who find ToDoNow useful or at least interesting.

Regarding the task I am afraid I am not able to help as ToDoNow relies on the old datepicker plugin (not my own) and calculating dates was one of the hardest tasks when I made ToDoNow. It doesn’t even work properly as it is. It’s just “good enough”.

All the best, Thomas

I USE it everyday.

Old Faithful you are still working.

Could you Come 'Aback again and affix her for 2028?

TT, x

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Hi & sorry for my late reply.
Unexpected other things came on my way…
And after Thomas reply “cannot help … datepicker in ToDoNow doesn’t work properly…” I looked around and found Pickaday ( with a ToDo-List, which also almost fits my needs.

I think, the best is now to open another thread with my questions for that? Should I delete this thread?

Thanks and sorry to Tones & Thomas,

That makes sense.

No, having the searchable history is useful. It would be nice if in the new thread you added a link to this one for additional context, though.