Tiddlywiki load times

I have not packaged one but the quick approach is to drag and drop to your wiki. SplashScreen not tested.

Here’s an example from the BASIC Anywhere Machine Programmer’s Reference:

The tiddler:

The programmer’s reference:

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There is a plug-in for splashscreen from tiddlywiki-XP by Keaton Lao (which is customisable). May be you can try it.


@Bob_Jansen I just revisited the site links you gave, and they are of course now loading quite quickly because they are in my cache. The first thing I observe is that the side bar contents tab is open.

  • The way tiddlywiki works it will need to build this just after load time even if nothing changes. But given our offline chat I don’t think this is the issue but it highlights how tiddlywiki does what you ask and showing the contents it needs to walk the tree to build the table of contents.