TiddlyWiki App: trying to learn how to use electron to create a tiddlyWiki app

I have encountered similar errors in other wikis before. I forgot the reason, but I clearly remember that the error disappeared after I restarted.

The tiddlywiki app supports this feature in another way, without any dependencies. You can try this feature by right clicking around tiddler.

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@oeyoews I am liking your app. I have a few doubts

  1. Is there a way to import single file wikis with .htm extension along with .html
  2. Also if we are using context menu plug ins of tiddlywiki, the default right-click context menu of the app is not getting displayed. Any way to fix this ?
  3. Can a sidebar or a floating window be added to the app to do web search within the app itself ? I have seen such an option in an app called kosmik. There shall be a button to toggle it on and off
  1. Fixed, version 2.6.4 now supports .htm extension files.
  2. This problem does exist, let me think about how to adjust
  3. Ctrl+F is supported by default. I just added a search menu button. You can now click the app’s update button to update.

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I found that it natively supports differential updates, which allows updates to be downloaded as small packages for quick updates without needing to download the entire installation package.

The simplest and most reasonable way is to use ctrl + right click to trigger the right-click menu plugin of tiddlywiki, so that you can use two right-click menus. You may need to make some modifications to your contextmenu plugin. Like this, my example below

I am using wikitext based context menu created by @Yaisog …will have to check if it is possible to add a modifier key for the context menu

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I think you misunderstood my statement. I was talking about opening a floating windows or sidebar for doing web searches like google, not the highlight-searched words in the current window of the app.

Here is a screenshot of this functionality in kosmik app

I understand. I have indeed seen this feature in the browser, but it is not part of my plan. However, if you want to add a search function, I can indeed add such a context menu.

What will happen if this search function is selected from the context menu ? Will it open the browser ?

How many wikis will work with this app at the same time ?

Can there be an option to delete a wiki which is already loaded by this app?


Theoretically, an unlimited number of wikis can be loaded. However, due to software limitations, a specific wiki cannot be closed individually unless the software is exited. Tiddlywiki-app caches the currently loaded wikis, and when a wiki is reopened , tiddlywiki app reuses the previous instance.

Can there be an option to delete a particular wiki from the settings area of the app. I am finding it difficult to delete my test wikis

Of course, preparing now.

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It’s basically done. Use trashItem to put it in the trash can to prevent users from permanently deleting the folder.

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I am getting this error message when I am trying to import a single file wiki. Initially the import used to work correctly, but now the error is happening everytime i am testing

This occurs when I select a onedrive folder as the target import folder

I haven’t tested this situation with onedrive. I will test what happens later.

You might want to check the latest log file to see exactly what happened.

TiddlyWiki template import is WIP :tada:

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I believe you will be able to experience it soon.

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The template import has been updated to 2.7.0