@markkerrigan appropriately you have inspired another response in me to this threads OT The Worst Feature of Tiddlywiki.
The Worst Feature of Tiddlywiki is; Something that never lasts for long, at least until I discover another. Because I am always able to fix it, or at least find a work around, or someone else fixes it.
Amongst the many bright ideas tiddlywiki has inspired in response to a perceived problem is one I call “protocol handler” unlike the “helper application” that @markkerrigan mentioned, it checks field content on current tiddlers for a set of predefined prefixes such as http https mailto file etc and handles each as I choose. In this case I expose a link with the name of the field it was found in, at the bottom of the tiddler.
I have not published it yet, but I should get used to publishing “viable products” before perfection.
My latest realisation, and rabbit hole, was links are never “space delimited” so we could follow any link value with one or more space delimited keyword=value pairs. I thought I could get tricky and add to my protocol handler, the ability to pass any parameter into the link using these eg target="tiddlywiki.com"
or tooltip="Link about xyz"
Why have I not built it myself yet?, because I expect the code to already exists somewhere in tiddlywiki, I just want to find it (waiting for me). This code needs to handle spaces inside the value part of the keyword value pairs.
Of course when ever I see the opportunity to leverage tiddlywiki and develop new features, I try hard to find generic solution others can make use of as well.