System Tiddlers in Recent tab and adding a History tab

I am attempting to modify $:/core/macros/timeline, so that when I look at the “Recent” tab, it includes all tiddlers, including system tiddlers. This is something I miss from TWC.

I have modified these two lines from this:

<$list filter="[!is[system]$subfilter$has[$dateField$]!sort[$dateField$]limit[$limit$]eachday[$dateField$]]">

<$list filter="[sameday:$dateField${!!$dateField$}!is[system]$subfilter$!sort[$dateField$]]">

to this:

<$list filter="[all[]$subfilter$has[$dateField$]!sort[$dateField$]limit[$limit$]eachday[$dateField$]]">

<$list filter="[sameday:$dateField${!!$dateField$}all[]$subfilter$!sort[$dateField$]]">

This worked but included some tiddlers I didn’t want.
Basically, I want system tiddlers, but I don’t want anything ignored by $:/config/SaverFilter.

Also, how I would add a “History” tab. I noticed there was some talk about this and this is something I would like to have.

Edit: I figured out the “History” tab on my own. I don’t suppose there is a way to reorder the tabs?

Sure. Create a custom sort for $:/tags/SideBar.

Wondering how you made a History tab.

I used this code in a new tiddler:

<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" variable="history">

But this only does it for open tiddlers. I didn’t realize this until after I posted my edit. I would have liked to have it retain the history after closing tiddlers.

Try my additional side bar tabs here;

edit-recent-sidebars.json (2.0 KB)

Along with allowing you to drag the slider to determine how far back you go there is one for tiddlers and one for system tiddlers, and each has an edit button, good if you write a tiddler that causes a failure on opening.

It is not grouping tiddlers by day though.

You can also make use of the history mechanism to see opened in this session only.

Here is a simple history sidebar tab;
history-sidebar.json (536 Bytes)


You may also want to check out this thread for a “History” button in the page toolbar that opens a drop-down with the history list:
I found this to be more screen-space-efficient than another tab.
Have a nice day


Yes from the old tiddlywiki classic we referred to this as a “jump” button for selecting any open tiddler from a dropdown, as you suggest it can use the history as well :nerd_face: