You know, all those things that right now end up being a bit “hacky”. Like, whether a field should be treated as multiline. Whether a field should only contain numbers, links, whatever. Obviously, the current fields editor would need a rewrite but that’s not a problem.
Sure. But you’d have no core support. All you’d be doing is creating a high-level mask over the current underlying implementation. What I’m proposing would need representation in the core tiddler json.
"title": "my tiddler",
"fields": [
"name": "my-field",
"multiline": true/"yes",
"kind": "number"/"date"/"plaintext"/"wikilink"/"ext-link",
"name": "other-field",
"multiline": true/false/"yes"/"no",
"kind": "number"/"date"/"plaintext"/"wikilink"/"ext-link",