I want to share Hode, a Reflexive Set of Labeled Tuples or so called hypergraph. What is interesting is the syntax with three elements:
a phrase (like “cats”), or a relationship (like “cats have noses”) or a template (like “_ have _”) shared by many relationships
The goal is to organize knowledge more like natural language; e.g., “birds #eat worms” can be used to query “what do birds eat?”. In Hode, one establish such relationships with “(Saudi Arabia #exports oil) #(because, I’m guessing) its extraction cost is 3 US dollars per barrel”
The idea seems related to ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) as investigated and tested in TiddlyWiki by Charlie:
- The Tofoist Project
- ORM-ish à la TiddlyWiki: Project Updates
- Using TiddlyWiki for fact-based information modelling and database engineering ???
This is also related to node mapping/graphing, such as by TiddlyMap.
TiddlyWiki can already establish relationships between tiddlers, by tagging, linking and fields. Even more would become possible if [semantic annotation of links] (In-text semantic annotation of links · Issue #2144 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub) is implemented. Or alternatively, inline field definitions (in the tiddler bird, writing “Many birds eat::orms” populates the field eat with orms)
Just some food for thought!
Also related: Semantic Synchrony