Run input as a filter is impossible?!?!

Those would work.

Don’t beat yourself up too much looking for a solution. This is a very specific problem to me, and it cost me my morning. I don’t think there is a nice solution like I’m looking for.

I am happy to find a nice solution, if one is available. I just need to have the question right.

[fields:exclude[created text tags title modified]]

Gives this:

If HelloThere has its own fieldB field, then it accidentally gets picked up.

If you know in advance the fields then you can do this:



I forgot to include in my demo piece that the fields need to be manipulated individually. fieldA fields need “A-” prepended to them. fieldB fields need “B-” prepended to them. If not for that, your solution would work.

I’ve found a workaround for my project that doesn’t involve running filters. It’s not great, but it will work, since I don’t think a better solution exists.

But this whole thing did give me the greatest idea for Tiddlywiki feature-bloat.

The [xargs[]] operator!

[all[]get[fieldA]xargs[subfilter]]   [all[]get[fieldB]xargs[subfilter]]

A perfect solution 1% of the time.


To paraphrase Brian Fantana:

One percent of the time, it works perfectly every time.

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