Renaming "How To" category

@boris So can I just change the title, but leave the old slug (which I assume is a short identifier used internally) ?

Yep, you can also change both, and Discourse mostly does the right thing and does redirects automatically.

IDs are canonical, not slugs – e.g. Meta == 2

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Mostly? What is the slug used for?

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Mostly == I am not an ultimate expert, there are admin redirects built in, and in my experience things just work as you rename. Go for it!

Ah, finally a place where I can ask for tips and tricks to my problems!

…don’t worry, just kidding :joy:

I like this category name and think it would be very good. It also has a playful ring to it… TiddlyWiki Tips & Tricks

Or like TNT, pronunciation-wise.

I agree with TiddlyWiki Tips & Tricks.
Says what it does on the tin.