Watched it and mentioned you in the comments!
One of the good things in “Index, A History Of The” is the author’s appreciation of literary archetypes. Meaning, exploration of the wider expanses of indexology in literature …
Over Xmas 2021 these might be interesting …
Borges: The Library Of Babel. The universe being an infinite set of hexagonal rooms containing books written apparently at random—but somewhere there must be a sensible text. Life, the search for it.
Ballard: The Index. An index which is itself the story.
Nabakov: Pale Fire. The novel is a 999-line poem titled “Pale Fire”, written by the fictional poet John Shade, with a foreword, lengthy commentary and index written by Shade’s neighbor and academic colleague, Charles Kinbote. The broader point being that veracity is indexical. They grunt, indirectly, about how to establish that.
Christmas side comment
Finally got this in my Kindle tonight! Read through p 88, then went back and took notes to p 59, but it is time to go bed. Good stuff!
I do think so. It is very precise in a human understandable way. I particularly thought his understanding of Christian concordances and their role in indexing particularly astute.
Just a comment
Yay! Finished reading. What a great book. Lots to think about.
When I saw the review in the NY Times Book Review today, a ready search yielded this discussion. “Surely the TiddlyWiki community needs to know about this” – a short-lived inspiration. I see it’s receiving the thoughtful consideration. May I raise the question: do e-books and TW diminish the need for the index? Thanks, … on to digest your thoughts.
The author actually talks about that, that the search function in ebooks somewhat reduces the need for the index, but counters that there is something about a human-created index that has a life of its own, that searches are for words, but a good indexer indexes for ideas and concepts, even where the words don’t appear.
Right. Absolutely. Language meaning can’t, often, quite often, be reduced to words. Humans intuit meaning. The book skilfully, I think, explains that indexical “X” factor needed that comes from a human (feeling) indexing brain working.
What is the upshot for TW? Well, IMO, TW is very well placed because it has an open approach at base: the limit of the currently technically possible. You can make most anything in it, any which way. That includes meaning elaboration.
A combination of synonyms and the alias plugin may help.
That includes meaning elaboration.
[[meaning elaboration]] !!
[[meaning elaboration]] !!
The book of the thread kinda does nice things. It shows that meaning indexed, at best, is not just lexical contiguity, it is a proactive creative flexible imaginative engagement with words. Something like that .
I recently (May 2023) read a dissertation from 1994 by Richard E. Osgood on the conceptual indexing of conversational hypertext but can’t seem to find anything online about what was done since then with ASK hypermedia systems and the DynadDex tool. TiddlyWiki seems well suited to the creation of a nonlinear browser and reading assistant like ASK Michael or the Engines for Education Hyperbook by Roger Schank and Chip Cleary.
I’d like to see if chatGPT could help with Syntopicon creation on various topics such as Education reform. The creation of a Socratic Arts ExTRA™ system also requires indexing expertise so that the best video clip appears just-in-time when it is needed.
The Conceptual Indexing of Conversational Hypertext by Richard E. Osgood.