Re: [tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki Community Call and File Uploads Plugin

Just to add that an additional topic we intend to discuss is the start of a plan to migrate from Google Groups. We’ll give more details then,

Best wishes


Sounds great! I’ll try my best to be there, although I have school at that time. Looking forward to seeing what @Saq, Jeremy, and everyone else have to say. Particularly related to the migration from GoogleGroups!

A video from the community call as well as slides are now available at the new community forum:

You will also find a thread there in the Plugins section for feedback on the beta release of the FileUploads plugin.


I watched the video which was too late at night for me to attend. You all have my support and I am ready to contribute. You are all going in the direction I have wanted for some time so you have a happy chappy here.

I was not able to receive a confirmation email or sign up to talk tiddlywiki, but will try again in 12 hours.

I am very happy with the choice of discourse for a range or reasons
