Query: Does https://links.tiddlywiki.com/ have a section for Plugin Libraries?


The one thing here though is you are a TW aficionado who knows in their bones what to type! :slight_smile:

But I think the issue here is also about naive beginners browsing the tags? How would they know before seeing them what to type for optimal recall?

It is a very interesting thread that is illustrative, IMO, of common issues that arise where “folksonomies” (perfect individually) hit a collective situation.

Just a comment

IMO it also doesn’t matter in a context I don’t know. Even if I search something in any global or site related search-engine, in English I always use “singular” since I don’t know how the search algorithm works.

eg: The author of a site used “plugin” and the search algorithm is a simple regexp match.

If I type: “plugin” it will find “plugin”, “plugins”, “plugin-x” … and so on. If I search for “plugins” it won’t find anything, because the algorithm doesn’t know it.

So it doesn’t matter how the author writes it. It only matters what the algorithm can handle.

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Well, it’s better if people can be channeled towards whatever they actually want.

That’s a good idea!

Yes. Also, it presents the results as lower case. That may also be why it’s not finding the page.

Also, if in the topic list you go to “Plugin (53)” and click you arrive at “plugin (25)”. So there appears to be 2 or 3 actual bugs going on.


But you still thinking a beginner will use search. That cannot be assumed. The scenario I was thinking more common will be a newbie coming to look at Topics. There they see, “plugin” related …

I think that is uber-confusing! Just saying.

Best wishes caro,

Right. Part of the issue, I think, is how to be “smart” on the final taggery so it matches a browsing person’s focus appropriately. IMO it is a more difficult issue than it may first look. Part of the issue, well a big part of it, is that TW ramifies in multiple directions so it is a bit of a nightmare deriving any overview nomenclature. FWIW I think you, @Mark_S, have done brilliantly whilst still aware the submissions have created some redundancy,

Just a comment, TT

Ideally, eventually, they would only see “Plugin” and “Plugin Library” . The plugin marking links to usable plugins, and the “Plugin Library” marking links to libraries of plugins.

Great! It is a small change but I think would be significant on first navigation for a newbie?

Best, TT

Small plug for plural tags, at least in some use-contexts:

Increasingly there’s power in making tags function as tiddlers, where information about the tag-children gets listed, or displayed in a dynamic table, etc. (Even when the tag tiddler is Missing (lacking any field contents) I usually have a ViewTemplate element that offers an automatic overview of items under that tag.)

The use of a singular tag in this way is odd, and can lead to confusion. A plural tag is clearer. For example, all definitions are gathered under the tag “definitions,” and the tag pill nicely lists definitions, just as the tiddler itself serves as a clearing-house for definitions.

Given that the word “definition” itself might need to be defined or discussed, the place where definitions are gathered should be different from the specific tiddler for “definition”.

Though it may be mildly counter-intuitive at first if your habit while tagging is to think “This tiddler is a _ _ _ _”, the plural helps remind everyone that the tag can orient us to a set.


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