Promotional video?

My current feeling is a promotional video may have people talking and interacting with tiddlywik in real world circumstances;

Alice: “Is Bruno our 2nd cousin?”
Bob: “Lets look at the family tree I have built in TiddlyWiki”
Alice: Wow, that was a simple search?
Bob: Yes, and you can Just click on “Bruno” and see his parents, brothers and sisters"
Alice: You really have build a sophisticated family resource.

Ha Ha, but
Was Marvin the paranoid robot “Fun to be with” ?

I too think that a good idea, i.e. visually present simple END-USE cases?

But there you get into the issue of whether to "Promo Specific Apps or “Promo an Application Maker”???


Right! Astute.

I think now, even more, about whether we should promo …


2 – The DIVERSE OUTPUTS of it; or

3 – A MIX of both.


Just reflects, TT

I often think that @jeremyruston is far too modest …

HE is the man-who-can and did …


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Much as he will not like it, Oxford modest, our redeemer, is @jeremyruston, long on short beard, and extensive span.

IMO, HE could be marketed too for TW???

A very clever man.

Meanwhile, I KNOW A MAN WHO CAN …


A mix, of course, but the diverse outputs would absolutely be the hook to grab attention.

We should show the viewer that TiddlyWiki is powerful and varied. There should be enough to make viewers ask themselves, “I wonder if it could be used for…?” Even better would be answering that question as they keep watching. “Oh, look, a recipes/Christmas letters list/train history/whatever example… perfect!”. While we couldn’t get everything, having enough examples could allow them to answer for themselves, “Most likely.”

Then we could demonstrate that these applications can be built with exactly the same toolset that people are using to add the content in these apps.

Of course we’d have to end with something about how to get started with TW.

Don’t forget about selling TW to the many people who tried TidddlyWiki 5, 7, 9 years ago and moved on and have no idea of all it does now. Just showing someone sliding the sidebar resizer back and forth for less than a second would be a “wow” moment. I am imagining a video with no narration, just music, with 50 or 60 surprises like that.

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Nice one. SO WHAT are a few of those “surprises” of?

A film maker needs a few concrete ideas / suggests caro.


Neither in my view, I would just talk about an application area with no specifics such as genealogy, GTD and although some imagery may be seen in passing you are selling the ideas not the specific product.

Interesting! So WHAT would you layout?
Could you give an example?

Just asking, in interest, TT

See my OP, quite a few mentioned in the list there.

As in my earlier post a couple talking about genealogy, may have some illustration’s on a tiddlywiki in the background, to add credence to the claims but there is no need to promote the details, the message will be that genealogy is but one of the uses tiddlywiki can be put to. Specific implementations cloud the picture and need to pick a winner, which may not suit everyone. The key is in my view is to “send messages that are implied, and not spelt out in detail”, that tiddlywiki;

  • Is a flexible solution to many things
  • Is promoting access to build your own software
  • Related to tinkering, and right to repair movements.
  • Empowering you to mould your own software, information and data solutions
  • The value of software to friends, family and community
  • You can control and own the data as well as readily import and export content so no lock in what so ever.
  • You control the User interface and choose what and when changes occur
  • A commitment that bares fruit
  • Based on global and long lasting standards and technology
  • No cost and minimal hardware requirements
  • Based on the universal client - the browser

Choose the Battle ground you wish to fight on, don’t let the competitors choose where we compete with them.

Sure we need to demonstrate real examples, but if you get specific the “If’s and buts” start, and TiddlyWiki solutions get compared to there competitive counterparts, rather than TiddlyWiki as a platform.

  • This is useless because TiddlyWiki and its counterparts are always evolving anyway.
  • “None the less”, we need t hint at what tiddlywiki is the gateway to
    • Software/Apps
    • Websites
    • Personal development tools…

If any comparison is to be made, it should be between other Platforms and TiddlyWiki as empowerment, or “rights we have” to participate in owning and developing your own software and data collections. I think there are few if any non-commercial competitors that come close to TiddlyWiki when viewed from this perspective.

Identify TiddlyWikis strengths and go strong and promote those, don’t let the complexities cloud the vision. Once people have the vision they choose a direction and then we promote the journey, but even these should avoid detail.

  • Community is one of these strengths and we should leverage this.

I like the Red and Blue pill idea, the Red pill grants you access to a universe you did not know about, it is but the beginning of a Journey and we do not need to describe the destination, because everyone’s destination will be what they choose. Always leave an open question where will your journey take you?

Call to action
This is not always necessary, if at first you are educating people about the concepts and possibilities, but from there we should develop appropriate directions to take and we can discuss these going forward, but I think they should start with encouraging emotional commitments, supporting, promoting, educating ones self. Let people participate to show they want to realise the promises of tiddlywiki. Always leave an open question what will you do with TiddlyWiki?

  • Ask not what TiddlyWiki can do for you, but what you can do for TiddlyWiki!

This is another approach to promotion, but we need to be carful here, TiddlyWiki’s strength is more like a “White label” product that the owner can rebadge as their own. Don’t like the way it looks?, change it. Find something complex?, simplify it. Looking for inspiration?, ask/search the community.

  • Always leave an open question, how will you brand your TiddlyWiki?

[Edited] Branding. Lets embrace these terms TiddlyWiki, Tiddler, “TiddlyWiki Platform”, Tiddly (used as abbreviation in the wild) what else is “owned by us”?

What we choose to present as examples of using tiddlywiki should be rarefied down to no more than a dozen or so, but when promoting possibilities, only choose a few (eg 3) at a time. But always focus on the possibilities the viewer can dream of. Always leave an open question, what will you use TiddlyWiki for?

  • Personal and professional productivity
  • Gaming resources
  • Content and book authorship
  • Publishing
  • Study and research learning
  • Teaching and training
  • Documentation and resources development
  • Subject area and community groups
  • Design and prototyping.
  • Genealogy
  • Gaming and world building
  • Websites, blogs and tools
  • Open knowledge and open source communities

$2,000 Professional services fee waived :nerd_face: for the above content.

  • now we need the script writer(s) and videographer(s)

Be carful not to buy into “negative self talk”, people are inclined to see the saving issues as a negative, when in fact they are a strength “inspite of” the security demands of browser.

Be negative as you desire in the forums if you must, but NEVER when promoting.

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We have some long videos on bilibili :


Ep054 用TiddlyWiki构建个人公开数字花园·模拟Andy笔记网站


recoded from lives

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I’m planning to make some short videos, but I more like spending time on creating plugins than this, so this never happened :sweat_smile:

One friend from Chinese community recorded many tiddlywiki tutorial videos on bilibili 巨夜的个人空间-巨夜个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频

Just two comments.

1 — I do, also, like you, think “outputs would … be the hook”
… I think presenting them (“showcases”) is not, perhaps, as well done as it might be as yet??

2 — I also think an effective “promo” might work better if it were accompanied by a “promo-wiki” that co-ordinated “showcasing” by “end-use-cases”?

Best wishes, TT

Very good point!

It might be that our (@jeremyruston’s) careful concern to present multiple “saving-ways” upfront on mother (= kinda, maybe, has a negative effect ultimately on uptake?

WHY? Too much complexity for an initial dabble?
A zillion methods?

As @EricShulman, has often said, the “default download saver” works.
And it does, cross-platform. Should that be No. 1?

I dunno here if I am right. But I think the comment worth it.

Just thoughts, TT

Very nice.

Converting that list into a visual catalogue for a promo maybe ain’t so easy?

But it seems good in conveying TW’s ESSENCE OF FLEX :blush: if it could be visualised?


You gave “in theory” examples :slight_smile:

What may be needed is concrete examples (i.e. with URLS) so in a promo a person can SEE what you want.

I was also thinking of YOUR case, Minister Latin American, could be good use case of sophisticated use of TW??

A probe, TT.

Very nice! The detail in them is useful!