Procedure calls

Some things I tried. - I changed this filter to just [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Global]!is[draft]] and it did not help.

I added the tag $:/tags/AboveStory to your Example Tiddler and it did not help (I thought maybe getting rendered from a different part of the pagetemplate might help).

The only thing I found which did help is opening the Example Tiddler in a new window. There the convertdate procedure is rendered fine.

Which tiddlers in your example wiki are demonstrating this and what macro procedure etc is not working?

These two tiddlers. $:/tags/Global doesn’t allow the date conversion procedure to be detected.

[Date to String Conversion ]
[Example Tiddler]

Solved it;

After going through each step I realised it should work, and the tiddlers tagged are imported in $:/core/ui/PageTemplate, which is used, unless it was replaced with an alternate layout, ctrl-shift-L showed me this was so. Selecting the original it now worked.


  • You need to ensure your new layout is also importing this and depending on when it was created and which tiddlers were involved you may be better rebuilding the custom layout based on 5.3.0 tiddlers.
  • The cause ? the alternative layout was most likely developed in an earlier version of tiddlywiki based on an older version of $:/core/ui/PageTemplate and as a result the “new features” are not included.

Delete the tiddler: $:/Layout or replace the content with $:/core/ui/PageTemplate

@TW_Tones, @Brian_Radspinner, good find.

While clicking through his wiki, I had noticed tiddlers always moved to the top after clicking the links. I should have realized this page template I shared was being used:

Maybe TW release notes should always mention when PageTemplate is modified in that version. To give the user a hint they should review any custom layout/pagetemplates they have.

Yes, in fact for some of these a version=tw version when last modified we could detect when a possible issue may arise. My old custom layout based on 5.2.5 would clearly be superseded by 5.3.0

Also when I clone a core tiddler I record the source-tiddler

So is the fix as simple as adding

\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

to the top of PageTemplate link click move to top?

Or am I missing some subtleties?

In: PageTemplate link click move to top


\import [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]


\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

Thank you all very much. It didn’t even occur to me to look for a different layout. I had totally forgotten that I had installed it.

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Yea, That’s why this type of issues are so hard to find. – But with the power of the community and a “nice catch” from @TW_Tones we probably all learned something :wink: