Plugin idea: Read/write Obsidian's new open "JSON Canvas" format

Obsidian shared a new open standard file format called JSON Canvas. I was thinking it might be a fun project to create a TiddlyWiki plugin to support importing and/or exporting that format. Imagine being able to slurp Obsidian canvas content into TiddlyWiki and vice versa.

I’m not thinking about creating an Obsidian Canvas style UX in TiddlyWiki, – though that’s an interesting idea as well, and perhaps not a big jump from Project Cecily – rather I’m wondering about the simplest way to convert between data in TiddlyWiki format and JSON Canvas format to enable content to be shared in an open and compatible way.

I guess this could also be a command line tool that knew how to translate between two json formats, rather than a TiddlyWiki plugin with some TiddlyWiki UI integration.

See more details at:


I don’t use Obsidian but I would support the development of such tools. An interactive solution would be best as it would help people transition to (and from) tiddlywiki.

  • The only thing I would suggest is that it be written/documented in a way it could be cloned/forked to parse other JSON data which coulde help else where like here Creating a tiddler from a JSON *string*
  • In effect the solution could be a system that contains a module responsible for the specific conversions, so other conversions can be written.

This is a pile of text so I can repost

Yes, please! It has been years since I have been waiting for something like this!

+1 to this, I would love to see a successor to Cecily in any degree

I personally think it’s too early to make this plug-in because the specification has just been released and there aren’t many examples to refer to. However, there is indeed some open source code in the sample repository for reference.

I don’t trust Obsidian’s team, they don’t have open source tradition. I’d rather use tldraw’s tldr format, or excalidraw’s.