I never use the list-links macro. Whenever I need something like that, I build the thing that does what I need and works how I need it to work. (and displays all of the pieces I need to see to understand what I’m looking at; it it has all of the puzzle pieces that are in my head, I recognise it; if it is missing pieces, then it does not match what is in my head, and I get into paralysis by analysis trying to figure out what is missing.)
Multiple cognitive problems over here, so how I process and organise things will never make sense to anybody else. When I don’t see all of the pieces in a way that I can process (that matches the intertwingled mess in my head), I do not understand what I’m looking at.
For the giggles though, just because it is a fun exercise…
Assuming the tiddler containing the following TWscript is the one with the “mydate” field with a value of 2020:
\define effList(date)
<$macrocall $name="list-links" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]:filter[get[created]split[]first[4]join[]compare:number:gt[$date$]]"/>
!! One
<$macrocall $name="effList" date={{!!mydate}}/>
!! Two
<<effList 2020>>
<<effList 2020>>
is much easier on my head (easier to remember syntax) than <<list-links "[.f[2022]]">>
<$macrocall $name="effList" date={{!!mydate}}/>
is verbose, but the syntax is still much easier for me to remember than <<list-links "[.f[2022]]">>
I am not trying to discourage folk from getting all hyped-up on these new TW features. The features just do not offer anything of benefit to me. They are just gumming up the works in respect to how I process and recognise things.
If anything, I’m largely frustrated because I want to get excited, but it is all a semantically overloaded cognitive gong-show for my abilities.