Option for hosting TiddlyWikis with an integrated access control permission system and Fediverse connectivity

Here i want report to the TiddlyWiki community of an other way to host the great TiddlyWikis online with the option to share access and even editing rights for your Wiks.

If you know about the Fedivese Fediverse - Wikipedia, you may know about Mastodon… but the Fediverse is much more. Here i want to introduce you to the most powerful app of the Fedivese which is called HUBZILLA - a CMS system.


the code is open source and mature - the project started 2010

This app offers a lot with a very sophisticated Access Control permission system integrated which enables a better control over all kind of content - also over cloud content . You can upload a TiddlyWiki HTML file and share it to the public, or just to selected Fediverse contacts or by a toking even to everybody who knows this token.

With the same process you can even share EDITING rights for TiddlyWikis - but please be aware that this can be lead to security issues


Public Hubzilla Hubs can be found easy e.g. on this lists:


So on all this public Hubzilla hubs sharing of TiddlyWikis should work out of the box!

For handling also TiddlyWiki EDITING rights the Admin of a Hubzilla Hub has to grant a Hubzilla Channel and its Account holder the option “allow code”. This will likely not be done to a Channel where the Account holder is not really known… So if you register on a public hub it may be difficult to get this “allow code” option grated - you have to ask the admin.


A Hubzilla hub can be installed quid easy on many shared Hosts - it just needs LAMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP) - so it may be an interesting option for your to selfhost your TiddlyWikis and get even an active part of the Fediverse.

Check it out



Very simillar to https://solidproject.org/ , I’ve tried save tiddlers on SoLiD years ago, but it is not finished.

:slight_smile: yes kind of - with the difference that Hubzilla actually works - also with a function like nomadic identity since 2015 - the code base was started 2010.

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now seeing the work of @buggyj integrating masto comments


how could we do that with hubzilla comments as well? @buggyj can you teach me ?

I’m curious - did some of you had a closer look at it and tried out his hosting option ? and… What do you think of it?

I went to hubzilla.org, read about it for a while, and still felt lost about how or whether I could successfully learn my way around it. It sounds like the first choice — about which hub to choose — is an important choice, but one that I have zero perspective on how to make well.

I suggest that you set up a specific hubzilla-hosted wiki as a collaboration experiment, and invite one or two folks here to co-edit (and show us exactly which hub to register for and how to get the access permissions we need).

That might be better than a general invitation to go experiment with hubzilla. (Unless of course someone else here is already interacting with hubzilla directly.)

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:wink: - hubzilla.org, could do a better job - yes

here you find public hubs:



get on one of this hubs a test account and post me your fedi address by a pm

than i will invite you for a co-edit experience

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that is a general problem of the fediverse - isn’t it ?

get on on



https://zotum.net (which is running the dev branch )

It could well be! (You’re talking to someone whose only reason to learn the first thing about fediverse is the subject of this thread.)

just contacted you by my test channel

so this was wrong… I’m working to long with my self hosted server that i forgot that also for just presenting a TiddlyWikis online the admin setting “code allowed” is needed … without this setting - the wiki will not open but just download - sorry for that.

so after all Hubzilla is for self hosting TiddlyWikis -or you need an admin who trusts you :slight_smile:

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how to integrate Hubzilla comments into a tiddlywiki ?
