Notebook theme topbar

Hello all

I noticed a few days ago someone had posted a link to a TiddlyWiki using Nico’s Notebook theme. I really like the way the topbar sidebar works, especially when viewing on mobile.

Are there any similar plugins that can achieve a similar effect, ideally without installing a separate JavaScript component.

The plugin, is the javascript to what he refers;

The theme is responsive and comes with mobile support through the JavaScript $:/plugins/nico/notebook-mobile

This is the standard way to distribute plugins and themes, what concerns you?

Yes, like you, I find this bar very interesting.
That said, like you I can’t figure out how to extract it and implement it in a tiddler … to make it work properly …
Like you, I ask a kind soul to help us !


You should be able to drag the theme over to your wiki (from Control Panel, Appearance tab, Theme sub-tab). Then make sure to choose the notebook theme on your own wiki (Control Panel, Appearance tab, Theme sub-tab), since installing a theme doesn’t automatically select it.

Drag the plugin over as well (if you want the additional mobile-device support). For the plugin to take effect, your wiki will need to be saved and re-loaded.


If the problem is the separate plugin. I think you can create easily a modified version of notebook theme including this component.

I have been able to separate out some parts of the Notebook theme. But I think a better more long term approach is to simply work with the existing menubar plugin ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/menubar) and adjust the style so it approximates the look and feel of the Notebook theme.

I also like the Notebook’s theme’s approach to a centered page layout but it seems to conflict with TiddlyWiki’s existing style. It’s also an example of a theme as a plugin, but I’m much more inclined to implement something using Alternative page layouts.

I agree with you. I see the same problems.

As you say, the solution is the use of a page layout. A Layout can simplify the problem the customization. An example is the layout created by @BurningTreeC for his A multi-column Layout / Storyview

I have a WIP of a configurable layout. Maybe it better say that I have an idea of for a layout, because it has been stopped so many times that there has been two or three new versions of TW. :flushed:

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