My only wish in tiddlywiki: is this possible? Where should I start from?

A little looking and I found this: DataTables example - Complex headers

So it’s certainly doable, although that solution has a fair bit of complexity!

Edit: Even better: position: sticky: This one is fairly simple.

The latest version of this looks really nice. The bit where the atomic number disappears but the element name stays visible when scrolling sideways is a gorgeous touch. I’ll have to dig in to find out how you did that (Or is that something from Mohammad’s plugin?

@Scott_Sauyet: all I did was to begin building on the tips in the link you posted above from

It’s not quite polished (I had intended for both atomic number and title to remain at left, during horizontal scroll, but for some reason only one column body remains, and the column headers behave inconsistently.) Still, I hope it’s a proof of concept for what you were looking for.

Then a beautiful mistake!

Very much so. Now the element table can fit in the tiddler. I will probably be using something like this in a few weeks.

Thank you for investing the time in it.

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