My On-line store on Tiddlywiki + Spreadsheets. Test my English version please

Hi. I start translating my Tiddlywiki product from Russian in-to English. I make it by =GOOGLETRANSLATE formula in spreadsheets. And I want to know, what to fix, to make my idea more “understandable”.

My idea. You make copy of my shared google spreadsheet by this link

By editing your copied table, you modify your on-line store (it is the main idea)
At first line of this table you have link to your store (empty Tiddlywiki template). And if you change name of the store (for example) and then click this link to your store, you will see this changed name.

I have put comments to cells to help users.
I will be glad, if somebody tests this idea, an shows my mistakes.

If you want to test using images from google drive or getting orders to spreadsheet it will be necessary to run script “HEEG store” from top menu

Thank you @Siniy-Kit

Here are some spontaneous thoughts.

Clicking the link to the spreadsheet gives a warning but it is possible to peek at the script. So it is important that the script is as understandable as possible. One way is to make sure everything is in English, for example:

Second, because we come from the TW world it would be nice if it was clearer how the columns relate to TW. For example, does the id column become tiddler titles when importing? And maybe name becomes caption?
Do the different sheet tabs function in different ways?

There are many colored cells. Should we know what that signifies?

OK, actually trying to use it, I get these question:

So, I just created

Now, am I supposed to change this:

…into this:

…and then what should I do?
And will it work on TiddlyHost at all?

Overall, I think people don’t really understand the idea of using an external backend to host the actual tiddler data. A first step may be to make a simple setup or instructions for how to do this. And then, as the next step, show that you can even use TW as your on-line store!

Thanks for a very interesting project!

Hi, Mat. You are right. I’m trying to develop the idea from simple to complex.
First “Hello world” is clicking link and making copy of base spreadsheet (was it easy?)
Second step (more difficult ) is to find the line with title of your shop and change it.
And at last you must click link at the first line in your table, and see that changes in google spreadsheet can edit you page. That is All. There is no any setup or hosting here.

This idea is for people, who know nothing about Tiddlywiki, tiddlyhost, AppScript and so on (at the begining), but use Spreadsheets or Excel every day in their life.

I’ll translate Apps Script to publish it like spreadsheet addon.
Tiddlywiki works on Tidlyhost Бесплатный интернет магазин на Гугл таблицах с сайта — Heeg.html too

Put this empty template to tiddlyhost or any other place, and it will work. Or you can use it without any hosting on my site.

You are right. id column become tiddler titles, name becomes caption. You can rename or move this columns or add new. Different sheet tabs function in different ways. If sheet tab name begins with “goods-” it adds $:/Note tag to tiddler, If sheet tab name = parts, script adds $:/TOC tag to tiddler, but it is not necessary for people to know about it. Many colored cells means nothing. I use colors not to forget, what I have changed last time :slightly_smiling_face:

I have put instructions how to use this table to “black corners”

Then I plan to make small videos in English.

Yes! That step was very easy. Just, as noted, to make a copy one wants to understand what it is, so it is good if the script notes are also in English.

When you say “page” you mean the spreadsheet, right?

How would I “put this on tiddlyhost”? It is in russian so I don’t understand how to, for example, download it. Also, it seems to be loading (there is a spinning circle in the that doesn’t stop)?

Could you do a “minimal version” with a default TW that can import? I.e TW’s regular user interface?

Good idea!

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Just jumping in with encouragement for both @Siniy-Kit and @twMat – I am very glad to see others trying out @Siniy-Kit’s solution. It is the result of many years of work, and is highly functional, and I think could see much wider usage if adoption was easier. This kind of back-and-forth between developers and users is the best way I know to knock the rough edges from software.

Hello @Siniy-Kit! I’m not equipped to go very far with testing this, but I’m excited and grateful to see it shared! Even if not for online-store purposes, I hope understanding your store can help me learn about how to use google sheets as a way of having multiple users contribute to a single TiddlyWiki project.

One quick bit of feedback: The page currently invites people to make a TiddlyWiki site at tiddlyspot (rather than the current

My site statistic shows that nobody clicked link on first line of his google spreadsheet.
We don’t need to change this link manually - only click it. You make your “site”, when you make spreadsheet copy. After that you edit spreadsheet and your site changes.
My main idea, that you don’t need any hosting (tiddlyhost, tiddlyspot and so on) use TW on my site or any other site.

One Tiddlywiki can contain many sites
For example. Here is Mat’s empty tiddlywiki _
if we add spreadsheet id to URL
it will load data from spreadsheet
we can add another id _ and we will get new site


FYI: I am very interested but a bit busy, sometimes these things are a slow boil as people adjust their day to fit such “exploration”. Thanks for sharing.

@twMat can TiddlyGoo project be resurrected using ideas from this project by @Siniy-Kit . I am eagerly waiting for TiddlyGoo to be working so that I can use it for this project to track stock market

Is there any other use case for your project other than setting up an online store.

Yes, it most definitely can and I intend to do it eventually.

A question I have for @Siniy-Kit is if your solution also allows to push/export data from tiddlywiki into google sheets?

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Unfortunately, there are no separate TW plugins for google spreadsheets and I don’t know how to write them. So I modify my TW code directly, and I hope, Mat will write these plugins.

Mat, we can push data to google spreadsheet in two ways.

  1. google form. We generate its code by apps script and put it to our spreadsheet.
  2. Second variant is to make DoPost() and deploy your Apps Script
    for example

function doPost(e) {

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
Logger.log(“I was called”)
if(typeof e !== ‘undefined’)

var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(“Sheet2”)
sheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue(JSON.stringify(e)) //here we write data to spreadsheet
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify( e.postData.contents))

If we use first variant we can make comments system (it can be nice plugin for TW)
Open Mat’s demo TW

If you write comment, you will see it in this spreadsheet

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