My ExternalContent, once loaded, keeps getting saved

I’m finally getting around to testing the powerful ExternalContent Plugin offered by @saqimtiaz here:

This is a great tool for at least two reasons (in my case):

  • to minimize redundant storage and bandwidth demands.
  • to have a single authoritative source for, say, my bibliographic records and glossary definitions
    ** The alternative (which is my current workflow) is having duplicate tiddlers housed in wikis that I serve up to different audiences — where inevitably corrections end up getting made in one location that then need to be replicated across all doppelganger tiddlers.

For both of these reasons, the receiving / client wiki should not save (make its own copies of) the external tiddlers.

(Of course, when I do have any correction to make, this solution will force me to load the source / master wiki each time, which is fine — or to make the edit locally, and then drag the corrected tiddler over before the end of my editing session. To avoid confusion, I may just add css to hide the edit buttons on the external tidders, so that I’m disciplined to edit only at the source wiki.)

In my brief trials so far, the loading process went smoothly (one can load things at startup, or load on demand with an action-specific button — the latter being super for testing!). This is really a fantastic plugin!


The save process is not behaving as expected… I wonder whether there’s something specific to TiddlyHost that would make a difference? I followed Saq’s advice (in the plugin documation) to set the tiddler $:/publishFilter to add this condition:


However, the external tiddlers are still saving. They also remain marked as is_volatile[yes] — but the fact is that edits to those tiddlers —made in the client wiki — are being retained on save, and a fresh load is not wiping the slate clean as it should.

I have also tried modifying the shadow $:/config/SaverFilter to exclude these tiddlers, in two different ways:

-[is_volatile[yes]] -[externalTiddler[yes]]

You can see my setup documented here at my quick-demo site:

Of course, none of you can’t actually replicate the unwanted save behavior (since you are not logged in as me). But perhaps someone can poke around and make a guess or two about what’s going wrong.

Many thanks!

The name is optional, what you need is a global variable with the name publishFilter… an error in the docs has led you astray.

So try changing the contents of that tiddler to be a procedure:

\procedure publishFilter() -[is_volatile[yes]]

I will update this in the documentation when I get the chance.


Yes, I realized that I wasn’t entirely confident about how to “amend the global variable publishFilter”…

But then these instructions (from here) seemed pretty explicit:

  • if you have not previously defined a publishFilter, create a tiddler with the title $:/publishFilter with the tag $:/tags/Global where the text field consists of -[is_volatile[yes]]

… so if you’re able to modify that documentation to include the procedure definition, that will help folks who (like myself) aren’t savvy enough to recognize what’s needed.

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This reminds me of a bug about him. If this global macro is manually modified, some widgets will be run twice when tiddlywiki is started. I am not sure if this problem still exists, because it seems that this macro will filter tiddler again.

I’m excited by Jeremy’s multiwiki work, with it’s bags-and-recipes model that should make this almost trivial.

– Scott

Yes, exciting…

… alas, I think Jeremy clarified that this development will not work for single-file wikis (as served up on tiddlyhost); it’s only for node.js — unless I misunderstood. :neutral_face:

Ah, yes. That is my preferred and usual environment. I forget that to others, it’s a significant limitation.

Nic proti, ale ten prezentační režim přesně kvůli tomu existuje.

Ulysses je boží, ale jen do doby než budeš vkládat tabulky.

S pozdravemMichal Rada

March 2

I’m finally getting around to testing the powerful ExternalContent Plugin offered by @saqimtiaz here:

This is a great tool for at least two reasons (in my case):

  • to minimize redundant storage and bandwidth demands.
  • to have a single authoritative source for, say, my bibliographic records and glossary definitions
    ** The alternative (which is my current workflow) is having duplicate tiddlers housed in wikis that I serve up to different audiences — where inevitably corrections end up getting made in one location that then need to be replicated across all doppelganger tiddlers.

For both of these reasons, the receiving / client wiki should not save (make its own copies of) the external tiddlers.

(Of course, when I do have any correction to make, this solution will force me to load the source / master wiki each time, which is fine — or to make the edit locally, and then drag the corrected tiddler over before the end of my editing session. To avoid confusion, I may just add css to hide the edit buttons on the external tidders, so that I’m disciplined to edit only at the source wiki.)

In my brief trials so far, the loading process went smoothly (one can load things at startup, or load on demand with an action-specific button — the latter being super for testing!). This is really a fantastic plugin!


The save process is not behaving as expected… I wonder whether there’s something specific to TiddlyHost that would make a difference? I followed Saq’s advice (in the plugin documation) to set the tiddler $:/publishFilter to add this condition:


However, the external tiddlers are still saving. They also remain marked as is_volatile[yes] — but the fact is that edits to those tiddlers —made in the client wiki — are being retained on save, and a fresh load is not wiping the slate clean as it should.

I have also tried modifying the shadow $:/config/SaverFilter to exclude these tiddlers, in two different ways:

-[is_volatile[yes]] -[externalTiddler[yes]]

You can see my setup documented here at my quick-demo site:

Quick-demo TiddlyWiki models

Compendium of tricks, tips, and small proof-of-concept tiddlers

Of course, none of you can’t actually replicate the unwanted save behavior (since you are not logged in as me). But perhaps someone can poke around and make a guess or two about what’s going wrong.

Many thanks!