For fun given your request I created this; the second may be very close to your intended use.
<$list filter="[[q1]] [[q2]] [[q3]] [[Proceed?]]" variable=question>
<$checkbox field=<<question>> checked=<<question>> unchecked="" default=""> <$text text=<<question>>/></$checkbox><br>
However I came up with this single tiddler, but it requires 5.2.0 for unlimited fieldnames.
quicklist.json (420 Bytes)
Now create a tiddler and tag it quicklist;
- every line you type will gain a checkbox
- use the fold tiddler button if you only want to see the list
- Even once checked, you can delete or replace a line and get a new item thus retaining a history.
This is so helpful I am making a more advanced one that allows you to still use other wiki text.