Hi Scott
Those are the correct values. Spanish doesn’t use Tabla de contenido as a title, just ‘contenido’, but from your description TabladeContenido is a background tag, so it won’t be showing.
The most commonly used public domain is Reina Valera 1960. I am not sure the story of the Gómez version.
This amounts to a lot of admirable work, and in a second language, so kudos to you. It looks like your next steps are chapters then verses. As someone who has also done long, tedious projects in TiddlyWiki, I can appreciate the work involved.
I tend to focus on creating content about the Bible rather than the Bible text itself, since there are plenty of apps and websites with the Bible text in Spanish, and even moreso in English. And the versions you are using are not in up to date language. So I wonder what your vision is, in terms of justifying the time involved. Having it in TiddlyWiki makes it easy to take notes and comments right in the context of the verse, so there’s that. Are there other advantages you can see?
I am more interested in seeing what other TiddlyWiki users could do with making inventive UIs for displaying notes alongside the Bible in different ways. Side-by-side isn’t great foir cell phones, and notes under the text separates verses from each other. Stretchtext to open up a notes area while reading the text would probably be unnecessarily messy. I always pictured in my mind a tiddler with the Bible text visible, and on hover over a word, or a verse, a window to click to add notes, which would appear in a slider under the verse. And in the slider contents, a way to make tabs for the kind of notes, in my case, separating by grammatical, word study, historical background, textual issues, literary features, themes and theology, etc. Others would want to organize them by words or phrases found in the verse. [edit: I didn’t finish my thought here: my point was going to be that while I can imagine something like this in my head, I think the results would be disappointing to me and too complex for others to use. Thus my interest in seeing what others come up with]
There are so many limiting factors and tradeoffs to get it right…the financial cost of using a good modern translation, the time and energy available, the personal cost of other things that one could be doing in a finite lifetime, TiddlyWiki’s learning curve and limited market penetration that acts as a barrier to getting people to use it, the eventual slowness caused by file size, etc. I wish you well as you navigate that maze.
That is about all I can tell you for now. Blessings to you , Scott.