Moved many "howto" tags to "help-appreciated"

Hi folks,

I did a test, if changing tags on old posts does trigger any discourse actions. I did change some tags and none of them did trigger actions for my pmario-user.

But now after I’m finished, it seems that some old threads with no responses actually have been triggered. So they show up under Latest :confused:

I am sorry for that.


I did move many “howto” tags from “howto” to “help-appreciated”.

There has been an early discussion, that we do tag threads in the Discussion section with “howto”, if they actually are howto’s and not questions.

By default the discourse UI did show the 5 “most used” tags in the tag-dropdown of a new thread. Since “howto” has the most, many users use the first one – That’s not optimal.

The “howto” tag should now be more usable and only show real howto’s. I did keep the “howto” tag for detailed questions, where the second detailed answer was from Eric or someone else.

Hope that did not cause too much trouble for all of you

PS: all tags can be found at:


Thank you for the clean-up. I remember that I initially thought of how-to as a question, not a demo.

Good idea.
I am not really sure to understand the difference between “howto” and “help-appreciated”.

We do have a Tips & Tricks category, which was initially named: HowTo. It was intended to contain “editable” wikis. Then there has been a discussion to rename it to Tips & Tricks.

In the ongoing thread it was suggested to use “howto” as a tag, because if discourse tags are clicked, a filtered list will show up, which only lists threads tagged: howto.

Also see: Guidelines for "Tips & Tricks" category - #14 by saqimtiaz in particular and the whole thread in general.

IMO howto is also misunderstood as a tag. Users tag questions with “howto”, but it should be “I need help”. There was a “need-help” tag, which I do not really like, because for me it means “I am helpless”. – So I did use “help appreciated” instead.

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I think “help-needed” might be clearer. “help-appreciated” sounds like people are giving thanks for help.

Agreed, or help-requested would do as well.

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maybe drowning, not waving

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I think “help-needed” and “need-help” (which I did remove) are the same thing. – IMO if I start 3 or 4 different “help-needed” posts in a row, it looks like I’m completely helpless.

That’s exactly what I wanted to achieve. IMO it’s OK to say thanks in advance and adding this tag, makes it easy too :wink: