Method to insert images in tiddler with possibility to enlarge on click?

I am using TW5 as a notebook for my role-playing group and I frequently use images, mainly portraits and maps. For the portraits it does not really matter, but for the maps, I cannot get TW to zoom the images to their original size somehow and keep the preview small enough to fit in the tiddler.
The images are linked to from a separate file server.

Any ideas?

Maybe you are looking for this; The link in the post is no longer available, This is the related library; I’m sorry that the post did not provide specific usage . I am confused about the license of this fancybox library and unsure if it can be shared

Saq’s spotlight plugin can do very many things with images, including click-to-fullscreen-gallery.

But it sounds like maybe your struggle has to do more with how to make the initial image preview fit within the tiddler, which could be as simple as [img width=100% [tooltip|imagetitle.jpg]]. Say more about what’s going wrong?

demo 这是一个可以直接可以点击放大的示例

This looks rather good, but unfortunately, the demo site you linked is not accessible.

I will try the Spotlight plugin, this could fit the bill for me.

As for the problem: it is just that the image is larger than the tiddler’s text width and I was looking for a way to have the preview enlarged. If I set the width to 100%, it fills the tiddler but the actual image is bigger than that and I can see no simple way to get to the original size (except for e.g. ‘open image in new tab’).

Any more info on how this could be incorporated into a standard TW5 instance? Looks quite good!

The example is here, feel free to comment… :slight_smile:öllenmark

I managed to install the Fancybox plugin and it works perfectly. Now all images are lightboxed but that is bearable… :slight_smile:

I also tried kookma-lightbox and while it works, I cannot give options like alignment to display the image. Size can be specified but not left/center/right. I could also not see anything about this in the macro, so maybe this is not implemented.

because this plugin modified builtin image widget, you can also modified it, and fbox widget is available

Care to explain a little? I am just beginning to understand tiddywiki…
I mean it works now, but to have the ability to have some images with a fixed size and not lightbox-able would be handy.

Another little TW knowhow breakthrough for me… once I got the syntax right — so easy! I hope it helps others.

I understand, the OP may be asking how to rescale the image-thumbnail in-situ, and not open a 2nd tiddler.

I wanted to know how to make an external image in a tiddler, width set to thumbnail size, open the image-tiddler full-size. I was stuck on the syntax or unclear about the method.

I looked at IMAGES - every way to use them! — and read up on Button widget, ActionPopupWidget – but I was still lost — so I tested.

The solution, one tiny attribute… to that points to the tiddler to navigate to. Here are the steps…

  1. create and name a tiddler, eg. MyChart — we need to create a container pointing to an external image file.

  2. at the bottom of the tiddler, set Type to match the image source e.g. image/png or application/pdf

  3. add a new field-name as _canonical_uri with the field-value being the path to the external file, e.g. images/chart.png

  4. in the parent tiddler, add a button to trigger opening the new tiddler.

    style="width: 50px"