"Meetings" tiddler

I use TW to take notes in meetings. Most of the times the meetings are recurring (project, person). What I’d like to have is as nice a way as possible to record each meeting notes and then have the tiddler arranged as a tree with roots that are the years and beneath them the months and beneath them the days (the individual meetings) so that the entire thing is collapsed but can be expanded by clicking. I want to be able to search for content that is collapsed and that when one section is opened, the others collapse.

Is there a relatively easy way to achieve all of this?

Hi, you can try GitHub - bimlas/tw5-locator: TiddlyWiki plugin: Discover and search by context, related tags

The usage is on its demo site

You may have a closer look at Streams. Streams — on TiddlyWiki 5.2.2
You can also search here in the group for Streams to get more info

You might get pretty far with the Table of Contents macros in TW:
All you need for that to work is a sensible tag hierarchy, e.g. 2022-05-08 Meeting with Yaisog is tagged Meetings 2022-05 which in turn is tagged Meetings 2022 which in turn is tagged Meetings. Then, Meetings could be the root tag for a toc-selective-expandable macro call.
To collapse an entry when another is expanded will require some additional actions which may require modifying the macros a bit (or an event/message catcher widget). If you want to go this route, you’ll likely find help here in the forums.
Have a nice day

This reminds me of TW Outlier my @Mark_S some time ago discussed here and this package was at least one release
TiddlyWiki-Outlier.json (10.3 KB)

TWOutlier is a TiddlyWIki based, TOC-driven mini application for creating content as outlines.

It is meant more as a thinking tool, rather than a display or presentation tool.