Looking for a virtual machine image deploy with nodejs and TW

I would like to deploy a virtual machine in our HyperV Server wich runs a Linux (preferable Debian Buster) with nodejs and TiddlyWiki preinstalled. Is there already such an image somewhere maybe?

Warm regards
(I switch over from TW Google Groups)

Great to see you here in Discourse.

A possible lead would be a virtual machine with NodeJS I presume they exist then install tiddlywiki (the easiest bit).

Thanks TW_Tones and I am looking for a ready to use solution if there is one. I think I ran into network/IP or routing problems with this kind of procedure. No connect to TW possible.


The Virtual machine doco should cover the network bridging and tiddlywiki listen with an address of will bind tiddlywiki to the current address.

But I understand what you want. I hoped there would be a docker image, and their may be, but it was too difficult for me.

I used the docu as well iirc the script. Doesn’t worked for me. If Docker than better as a all-in-one solution as well.

Having a prebuilt Image that can be hosted where-ever is a really good idea.

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