Look for suggestion about calendar plugin

Recently, I am working on personal memory wiki based on Memory Keeper.

Now I am trying to add an anniversary calendar to remind me the special events (e.g. birthday, marriage).

After searing on Google and this forum, I cannot find a tool/plugin is suitable for my purpose as my limited knowledge here.

Very appreciate it if you would like to give me any suggestions.

The features I am looking at

  • display a simple calendar
  • add events into current year based on the month and day in other tiddlers (i.e. [tag[anniversary]]) including convert month-day in lunar calendar to Gregorian calendar

Aside from Google and this form, I would try searching the TiddlyWiki Links Aggregator for calendar plugins. You can do a global search, or look through the topics and find all links in a given topic.

It seems there are at least a few plugins that can display calendars to which you can add events. However, I haven’t found anything that even mentions “lunar calendar” or “Chinese calendar.” There was at least one example that I had a hard time navigating because I don’t know how to read Simplified Chinese, but maybe by more thorough reading and searching than I have been able to do, you might find something suitable.

If you can’t find anything suitable there, then maybe you or someone else here could take it on as a challenge.

I wish you the best of luck!

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This example provides an interface that can run javascript directly in tiddlers, and then find a lunar calendar to Gregorian calendar function source code from csdn and paste it into the tiddler


Latest build of Memory Keeper (build 18) has a concept of add-ons, a place to name and manage MK configurations. Addons can be imported, exported and deleted. As an example I created a plugin called Personal knowledge base. It has a calendar you can use (not sure you harvest it or not).

Go to the MK help and search for “collection of add-ons”, where you can download the addon.


A demo you can play with…



That and much more…


See also

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It's About Time! — TiddlyTools: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" (tm) is obsolete and has not be updated since 2002-September-11. All the most recently published revisions of TiddlyTools add-ons are found at https://TiddlyTools.com.

For TiddlyTools Calendar (last update = 2024-March-19), see: TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar and TiddlyTools/Time/Info (“Calendar” and “Events” info).



Thanks. I have found the calendar which can show a calendar and list of events. But I am not sure whether it can show anniversary events in the calendar.

Thanks it looks great. Will have a look

I found the ExtendableCalendar which can be easily extended to a new type of calendar. I would write some js to show anniversary in calendar.