Kookma Plugin Library

The plugin library introduces a very simple mechanism like Tiddlywiki Official Plugin Library to let select among the published plugins and install any number of them you like.

Some of useful plugins in this library are:

  1. Tiddler Commander
  2. Shiraz
    2.1. Shiraz Formatter (subplugin)
    2.2. Shiraz Callout (subplugin)
  3. Todolist
  4. Trashbin
  5. Favorites
  6. Searchwikis
  7. Utility
  8. Slider
  9. Pinboard
  10. Timelines
  11. TOC
  12. Vote
  13. Tamasha
  14. Refnotes
  15. Kara
  16. Pikaday
  17. Thinkup
  18. Slider
  19. Solution
  20. Gatha Studio Workspace
  21. Negar
  22. Search in Fields
  23. Garden

To see plugins in their own repo see Kookma Tiddlywiki Repositories


The kookma plugins are distributed through GitHub. Each plugin is published in two forms:

  1. a plugin folder suitable for Node.JS version of Tiddlywiki (client-server installation)
  2. a packaged tiddler (JSON) suitable for single html file and drag and drop

To read how to install and use plugins from this library see the demo page: TW-PluginLibrary

From Tiddlywiki 5.2.3, the packaged form of kookma plugins are distributed as minified tiddlers. The minification are done using Uglify from Flibbles.


I wish I could star it more than once! Thanks for maintaining your plugins and resources to keep them up to date! Your work is found in all my wikis : )

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I’ve just built a new TW instance from scratch, using latest versions of all, including this Kookma Plugin Library and Shiraz (v2.4.6)… But i can’t get the Node explorer to show up, neither by following these instructions (which are quite clear), nor by adding the ‘references.json’ file, which used to be required last time i installed Shiraz, but now i don’t see that in the docs, so…

I’m stuck at this point @Mohammad , so if you can think of anything else i might try, i’d sure appreciate it. I really miss my Node explorer! :smiley:

Hi @ludwa6

I just tested on tiddlywiki.com and it works!

Note that Node-Explorer is an example of how you can build tools using Shiraz, so it is not distributed with plugin. Please follow this instruction and see if it works

  1. Install Shiraz plugin in your wiki (see Shiraz Plugin)
  2. Drag and drop $:/plugins/kookma/viewtemplates/node-explorer to your wiki
  3. Tag $:/plugins/kookma/viewtemplates/node-explorer with $:/tags/ViewTemplate

Note to the last step, you need to tag your template with $:/tags/ViewTemplate


  1. create a new tiddler and save, I call it Test01
  2. create another and tag with Test01
  3. create a third tiddler and in its text filed type [[Test01]]

Now look at Test01, you see node explorer with two nodes.

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Yes indeed @Mohammad : Tho your prescribed steps are exactly those i had followed before posting this issue, by following them to the letter -having first thrown out that ‘references.json’ file (maybe that was the problem?)- and this time got the expected result. Works like a champ!

Thanks for the foolproof explainer, to complement this brilliant bit of software.

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Kookma Plugin Library

From Tiddlywiki 5.2.3, the packaged form of kookma plugins is distributed as minified tiddlers. The minification are done using Uglify from Flibbles.

I call it ‘mini Kookma’!

@Mohammad – It seems your plugin-library repo is broken: Kookma Library — Plugins for Tiddlywiki5

Thank you Mario!
I will pushed a fix!

open the link in browser, notice it displays Release {{$:/plugins/kookma/vote!!version}} instead of the actual version

2 posts were split to a new topic: Trashbin and Save Revert Mechanism