Just for yuks, given the question by @Deniz, I copied your KJV wiki, added the freelinks plugin, and a view template like this:
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Verse]] :filter[search<storyTiddler>]">>
I then specified, in freelinks settings, that there should be freelinks pointing to any tiddler title where the tiddler is tagged “theme”.
I proceeded to make tiddlers (tagged “theme”) with titles like judgment, forgiveness, damnation, glory, satan, rejoice, Lord… And a user with serious interest in these themes could use the text field of that tiddler to reflect on connections or confusions, etc. But just the extra view template made these “theme” tiddlers into informative hubs.
Performance was not as slow as I feared! Certainly it was slower than without freelinks, and when freelinks was first loaded (before I tweaked settings) it was very sluggish. With the narrower conditions, freelinks was usable.
I see freelinks as an especially relevant tool for a canonical text, because you really don’t want to be altering the text itself to add hard links.
The list-links view template, combined with freelinks, has a nice combined effect: you can make a tiddler for any string, immediately see links to each verse that contains the title string, and then — if you click the link — you see your string of interest (plus any others that you’ve tagged as “theme”) nicely highlighted with a link to the theme’s “hub” tiddler.
(At this point, the view template searches for the string only as a literal string (whether or not it’s a whole word) and there’s no wider net for variations on the word. Meanwhile freelinks works only on whole-word appearances of the string, which means a verse mentioning “meekness” renders without any freelink to “meek” even though the “meek” theme tiddler offers links in the other direction, etc. A more thorough solution would try to address all this. But my interest here was simply to get a reality check on how freelinks performs with a text-heavy wiki like this one.)