In my under the weather state of mind, I had a thought regarding my wiki and creating random numbers for a TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game).
I have done a fair bit of programming using Visual.net, C# and a little Java. In these cases, creating buttons and code is easy: drag and drop a button to a form and add the random dice generator.
Is it possible to have something like this in a wiki? How about list boxes?
And where would the code go? I want the button as part of a journal. When the button is pressed, the randomizer is run and number or numbers are added to the sheet. How are they added and how could I add parameters for the number of and type of die? In Visual.net I’d use text boxes to enter the parameters and a label, or labels to display the results.
Is this possible?
Sorry about the wandering post - I’m a little feverish.
Have a very happy and healthy day.
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Does this meet your needs? GitHub - OokTech/TW5-RandomValue: A widget that lets you generate random values in TiddlyWiki
If you are interested in a repeatable random number generator (as oxymoronic as that sounds!), you might see this post.