Introducing a Copy Code Button Plugin for TiddlyWiki: Enhancing Code Sharing and Efficiency

Here’s a version independent of tailwind. I made the button invisible by default, greyed out when codeblock hovered greyed out by default, and more prominent when button hovered (using palette colors), similarly to how it looks here on discourse.
Also @oeyoews the inner div (with position: absolute) can be skipped I guess and its properties/classes assigned to the button itself, the $button widget supports class attribute.

Widget definition:

tags: $:/tags/Global

\widget $codeblock(code, language)
<div class="wilk-copy-code-button">
<$button message="tm-copy-to-clipboard" param=<<code>> tooltip="Copy" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$genesis $type="$codeblock" $remappable="no" code=<<code>> language=<<language>>/>


tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet

div.wilk-copy-code-button {
	position: relative;
div.wilk-copy-code-button > {
	position: absolute;
	right: 0;
	padding: 0.1em 0.2em;
	fill: <<colour tiddler-controls-foreground>>;
div.wilk-copy-code-button > {
	fill: <<colour tiddler-controls-foreground-hover>>;

Demo with drag-and-drop-ready tweak.

Edit: simplified the colors/hover behavior.


Just keep in mind that this is will be a usability issue on touch devices.

Edit: it looks like Discourse shows the button by default on touch devices.

Good point. I simplified it a bit and made it visible all the time, more prominent when button hovered. This is actually less distracting and flickery.