Importing Tiddlers - dragging a tag pill

When I drag a tag pill from one TiddlyWiki browser window into another, a green bar appears at the top of the target wiki saying Drop here (or use ‘Escape’ key to cancel).

What is meant by ‘here’?

Does it mean ‘some place on the story river’?
Or does it mean the green bar itself?


If you see the green bar you are “here”

Makes me think that maybe it instead should state “Drop now (or use ‘Escape’ key to cancel)”

That sounds good.


The “drop area” has been improved in one of the newer TW versions. … So “Drop now …” would really be the better term now :wink:

Marvellous, that’s much better. I’d welcome a PR.

Anyone who knows how, please make a PR.

For anyone who cares here’s why I won’t.

My attempt.