IFRAME: Hiding the vertical scrollbar

Hey guys!

I would be very grateful if you could help me.

OBJECTIVE: Hide the “vertical scrollbar” but “keep” the “content scrolling” in the “transparent IFRAME” with html content (variable content) that exceeds the height specified in the iframe. I use Tiddlydesktop v. 0.0.18 on windows 10 and the Tiddlywiki html page 5.3.3 with tiddlywiki style “Whitespace”

QUESTION: Is it possible to “hide” the iFrame’s “vertical scrollbar” within the tiddler and still maintain the “content scrolling”?
=> Either by including some definition in the style or even via command within the tiddler?

PREVIOUS TOPICS: I tried to find some previous thread, but I only found one thread about “Presenting: Scrolly - the scroll indicator”, but I couldn’t use it as a starting point.

I’ve already tried using the following tags in the iframe:

  1. scrolling=“no” (it hides, but does not scroll the content).
  2. overflow-y=“hidden”, overflow-y=“none”, overflow-y=“no” (had no effect).


       .tc-tiddler-frame {
            min-width: 1100px;
            min-height: 1000px;

        iframe {
              width: 100%; 
              height: 500px;
              border: 0px;
<iframe src="file:///D:\Users\criep\GoogleDrive\0a-QUADRO-NEGRO\0-TIDDLYWiki\@ AGENDA do DIA\0b-AGENDA do DIA.html"></iframe>


Thank you in advance for everyone’s attention.

Cláudio Rieper

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Others may be able to help but you may find out how to do this, with a search outside tiddlywiki, in the world of html/css.

Also using iframes may not be the only way to achieve this as there are other ways to display the content of an external file and wrap it in a html div with css overflow options.

For example including and embedding and perhaps the html object tag

scrollbar-color:transparent transparent;

If only use Chrome:

BTW, that background image is cool. I thought the background image will be cover (hidden) by tiddler body. How do you add that?

Right! Let’s learn together!

background:transparent; works.


For the thumbnail see Youtube macro - looking for feedbacks - #12 by telumire

Offtopic question to @Claudio_Rieper – what theme/plugin are you using for this compact page buttons without sidebar on the right, as seen on the screenshot? I looked briefly through themes found on links.tiddlywiki.org, but couldn’t find it.