I overcame a hurdle! Choose from custom new tiddler buttons when opening a missing link

Hey guys! I had an epiphany that solved a problem that held me back for years. I have always had custom new tiddler buttons in page controls, but I was always frustrated by the fact that when navigating from a missing link, I had to manually copy the title of the missing tiddler, then go to page controls to click a new button. I always wished that by clicking the missing link I could choose what kind of tiddler I wanted the missing tiddler to be. Well, the answer popped in my head this morning. So I thought I would share it.

Just change the contents of $:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint to something like what is below:

Missing tiddler.  Create as: 

* Plain tiddler: "<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>" {{||$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit}}
* Contact: <$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<currentTiddler>> tags="Contact" text="WHATEVER YOUR TEXT NEEDS TO BE" contactname="" address="" email="" etcformorefields="" />{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
* Book summary: <$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<currentTiddler>> tags="BookReview" text="WHATEVER YOUR TEXT NEEDS TO BE" booktitle="" bibliographicdata="" etcformorefields="" />{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>

The next steps from here to refine the process would be to do it as a list that transcludes all “custom new button tiddlers” (identified by a tag). That way one could just clone a button and change the parameters and labels.

Anyway, it is not often I get these ideas, so enjoy it while it lasts!


I overcame a hurdle!

For foreigners who don’t know what a hurdle (see: 2) is. It is an obstacle one needs to avoid hitting.


Thanks for sharing and its great to discover new ways to simplify. I have in my notes something similar, In fact I say;

Following a missing tiddler link opens the default tiddler view template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/default but because there is no tiddler to transclude the inner transclusion of $:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint occurs.

You could modify $:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint to present the “new from template buttons”, using the current tiddler name.

So effectively we can call $:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint ''The ‘missing tiddler’ view template".

A quite sophisticated interface to create new items could be created here and I am thinking even some attempts to try and predict what kind of tiddler is needed according to the content of the title and even the source ie its backlinks and the values in its “source”. For example a “missing tiddler” named in a tiddler that is a book, may thus be a chapter, or ion a project may this be a project task.

  • One of my favourite possibilities is identifying its a todo from the verbs contained in the title or a question with a “?” suffix - that needs answering.

Perhaps later we can refine the “link to missing tiddlers” as well, to also present a dropdown with a “create tiddler type”.

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I might be one of the gals? :slight_smile:

“I had an epiphany (see: 3) that solved a problem that held me back for years.”

I think it interesting.
Not so much the solution you found, as the obvious DELAY in finding it.

HOW can we narrow that time gap between “I struggled with it” and “I eventually solved it”???

Just an Elephant Comment

oops, “Hey everyone!”

The only solution for narrowing the time gap in my case would be to pump me up with “brain steroids”!

A vero.

We could start with documenting and providing real tools to assist common requirement’s not addressed in tiddlywiki. New tiddler templates and create from template is only documented not published, nor has supporting tools built in.

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@DaveGifford you mention if you follow a missing tiddler link and I stated this as

I then suggested;

I only just realised I was toying with this in another part of my brain and did not make the connection. Making the list item template more hackable. In this case when listing missing tiddlers.

  • I am currently looking into at least modifying options on the list of missing tiddlers SideBar > More > Missing
  • I will consider the matters arising from this Topic.