HowTo Add Action Button on Tiddler "Control Bar"

I am trying to add an “Macro Button” on Tiddlers


like the :heart: above.
adding the action of removing a field (or modify value) from the concerned Tiddler.

After few hours searching for a way to do it,
i didn’t found any good “step by step” tutorial.
Let’s try to make one.

My 1st questions

  • Does it needs to modify $:/core (as i saw for some solutions) ?
  • What are the “$:/ressources” & “$:/tags” in use there?
  • Is there a way to do it in “javascript”, and/or “tid script” ?
  • … ?

As Eric pointed to, that is where to start. However as is common in tiddlywiki, being open, readable code, look at an existing view toolbar button, to see how the core does it, and possible clone and modify one.

  • use <<tag $:/tags/ViewToolbar>> to see the active ones.

Avoid this while you are still learning, its like you have a hammer (javascript) and every solution is a Javascript nail.

  • Tiddlywiki is more than capable of handling 99.9% or possible buttons.

I’m just cross-posting here, pointing you to my reply on the other thread, where your interest in a new toolbar button was first brought up:


The most essential tag for this kind of project is $:/tags/ViewToolbar

  • Is there a way to do it in “javascript”, and/or “tid script” ?

No javascript needed! It’s all wikitext. :slight_smile: