How to snatch tags from another tiddler?

Mobile browsers don’t render $select lists in the same way as other platforms. They ALWAYS render them as single-line drop-down lists, so no value is displayed until the input exactly matches a single entry in the list. The reason this doesn’t occur for the “main search” is that that interface doesn’t use a $select list at all. Rather, it creates it’s own popup “div” in which it renders clickable tiddler links that navigate to tiddlers, which is completely different from selecting a value to populate an input field.


I asked about this very recently and was told it should be safe :frowning:

I’ve managed to fix the “leading +” issue so it doesn’t add the “poltergeist” tag!

Instead of using

<$action-listops $tags="[<tid>get[tags]enlist-input[]]"/>

my code now uses

<$action-listops $field=tags $filter="[enlist{!!tags}] [<tid>get[tags]enlist-input[]]"/>

As previously noted, the problem was the $action-listops widget handling for $tags="[...]", which treats the parameter value as a subfilter, and thus was interpreting the leading “+” in a tag value as a filter run prefix, which produced the unexpected results.

In contrast, by using $field=tags $filter="[...]", the $action-listops widget does NOT treat the $filter parameter value as a subfilter. Thus, we can explicitly combine the existing tags with the “imported” tags by using [enlist{!!tags}] [<tid>get[tags]enlist-input[]], and a leading “+” in a tag value is no longer interpreted as a filter run prefix.


Of course, we still have the problem of mobile platforms completely screwing up the multi-line list box rendering by forcing it to be a single-line droplist :frowning:

Get the updated TiddlyTools edit template here: TiddlyTools/Templates/CopyTags


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Thank you very much.

Quite a challenge to browse your site on mobile. For some reason I could not select the code by tapping on it, to copypaste it into a tiddler of my test wiki. But I managed to get it by simply exporting the tiddler from there then importing it.

It’s also very laggy, I don’t know why. Maybe my phone does not have muscle to process it. But I can navigate other wikis fine. It’s a pity, because there’s a lot of useful content there.

It should, and is now with Erics solution. But there are always degrees of safe. Personally just as with tiddler titles, tags with a “symbol” are in a way a compound tiddler title, and this is frought as well, I recomend against compount titles. There is always another way to do it, and each of those ways may on a rare occasions clash with another solution obtained elsewhere.