How to quickly navigate to a transcluded tiddler?

I want to open the transcluded tiddler quickly and edit it from the current tiddler.

If I do transclusion in the current tiddler, in this way

{{tiddler title}}

Then, to edit the transcluded tiddler, I need to

  1. edit the current tiddler,
  2. copy the title of the transcluded tiddler
  3. close the editing of the current tiddler
  4. search for the transcluded tiddler
  5. edit the transcluded tiddler

The solution I have right now is to transclude the tiddlers in this way

! [[tiddler title]]

{{tiddler title}}

This gives me a nice link in the heading of the transcluded tiddler. I can click on it and quickly edit it.

However, it has obvious drawbacks.

  1. It is tedious and not automatic.
  2. When exporting the current tiddler, I do not want the exported HTML to have deadlinks.
  3. It forces me to have headings for every transcluded tiddler in the current tiddler, which may not always be suitable in the text.

Is there a better way of quickly jumping to the individual transcluded tiddlers?


Give this a try:

First, create a tiddler (e.g., “EditLink”), containing:

<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" style="float:right;"
   message="tm-edit-tiddler" param=<<currentTiddler>>
   tooltip={{{ [[edit "]addsuffix<currentTiddler>addsuffix["]] }}}>
<$transclude mode="block"/>

This tiddler can be used as a “template” that transcludes a tiddler and automatically adds an edit button displayed in the upper right, like this:



  • When viewing the “EditLink” tiddler, it will display a red error message:
    Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget
    This is caused by the <$transclude mode="block"/> widget and can be safely ignored as the message will only appear when directly viewing the “EditLink” tiddler itself.



I often had the same thought. It would be great to have an automatic display of the link in the edit-view.

I wrote up about how I use the #inc-plugin

This includes a header that you can just straight to edit mode.


Thank you @EricShulman. While the plugin @boris mentioned is ready to use, but I liked your solution cause it takes out the magic from plugins.

This is the template that I wrote for my TW.

.my-navigate-transcluded-tiddler {
  float: right;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-size: 0.6em;
  display: inline;
  text-align: right;
  margin-top: -30px;

.my-navigate-transcluded-tiddler button {
  margin-right: 0;

<div class="tc-page-controls my-navigate-transcluded-tiddler">

  <$button class="tc-btn-invisible"
     tooltip={{{ [[view "]addsuffix<currentTiddler>addsuffix["]] }}}>
  <$button class="tc-btn-invisible"
     message="tm-edit-tiddler" param=<<currentTiddler>>
     tooltip={{{ [[edit "]addsuffix<currentTiddler>addsuffix["]] }}}>


<$transclude mode="block"/>

There is one more plugin that is closely related to the question, besides the one that @boris mentioned.

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You may also like Utility/Custom transclusion:

It has simple macros to transclude with link:

  • the content
  • the code
  • fields
  • description
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Continuing from this method I have developed an editor toolbar button that allows you to select some text as in this example “HelloThere”, then search for any tiddler such as in this example “EditLink” and click to replace the selection with {{HelloThere||EditLink}}.

This provides an interactive way to view a “tiddler title” through a selected template tiddler. Whilst quite generic in nature, it is then possible to code a smart transclusion template that can do many things, starting with providing the edit link requested in the original topic.

Eg; a title-handler template may be

<$link/><$button tooltip="edit tiddler" message=tm-edit-tiddler param=<<currentTiddler>> class="tc-btn-invisible">^^🖉^^</$button>
  • Click the link to open, click 🖉 to edit.

However the template can respond to different local or global settings, create new tiddlers with a link to it’s parent, display a tooltip and a lot more.

Draft: transclude-template-button.json (5.0 KB)


Oh that’s a cool one. Thanks for sharing!