How to make the current tiddler border or background different?

I’ve just tried the keyboard navigation plugin at and it was not obvious to me which of the tiddlers was the current one at one given moment.

Is there any way to change the border or background of the current tiddler to have a visual cue?

Several of the other keyboard navigation plugins (TiddlyWiki Keyboard, @benwebber’s motion) include this kind of styling cue by default. I’d take a look at the $:/_Styles tiddler in TiddlyWiki Keyboard in particular: you should be able to drag it into a wiki of your choice and have it work with or without the other features, since it’s just based on the HistoryList.


Thanks, @etardiff. I’m trying the motion plugin as I like vim-like shortcuts.

A related discussion Is it possible to use class field to style only the body of the tiddler and here Focus tiddler — A People, Systems and Things Proof of Concept (POC) I demonstrate a larger tiddler focus tool (not edit fields)

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