How to let Link widget display caption or truncated text?

I know there is a Pragma: \widget in v5.3.0, just ask in case someone already know how to do this.

After discussion in What’s the standard way to not writing Title, we have a _is_titleless field, and title-caption plugin, So other plugins like echarts , tiddlymap, and even core Recent tab, can know these tiddler’s title is meaningless, and should display its caption instead, when it doesn’t have a caption, even display its text (turncated) .

Now I hope I can ask wiki link to also display caption or text (turncated with ...). Is it possible to do so? Especially when link to a Streams tiddler.

I think _is_titleless has not been implemented into the core yet. So the way to go is to implement it there. So you can avoid 3rd party hacks.

Also see, this discussion, which also mentions the link-widget. Bug in $genesis widget precedence?

I do not know, if there is an issue at GH atm. But if that problem is not resolved, you will have problems to create a custom-link-widget