Thank you for pointing that out. Those duplicates are hidden well.
On that note, I wanted to try to make a unique identifier macro to plug in as a default value. Absent a random number generator, I came up with:
{{{[<now YY0MM0DD0hh0mm0XXX>sha256[]]}}}
Not perfect but has some hope of working if rendering is slow enough.
However, I am noticing that no matter if I define a macro and use it like this
\define filter-pill(pill_filter pill_label:"FilterPill Label" pillcolour:lightgrey textcolour:#333333 id:<<uid>>) ...
or put it directly in like this:
\define filter-pill(pill_filter pill_label:"FilterPill Label" pillcolour:lightgrey textcolour:#333333 id:{{{[<now YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0XXX>sha256[]]}}}) ...
The result is using it as a literal string rather than calculating the value and using that. Is it possible to provide anything as a default value to a macro other than a literal string?