How can stylesheets access variables?

But I addressed exactly this in my last post above yours (!?)

But there remains outstanding issues?, perhaps now a more minimal stylesheet to include?

Well, inside this tiddler there is a significantly big embedded styleblock that needs to access the surrounding variables. I donā€™t know how to otherwise achieve the effects of that styling.

These were designed to allow exporting almost any possible tiddler as a static tiddler.

Perhaps you can start without all this and add back to build a minimal CSS, this was in part why I thought about adding a way to build and include static tiddler templates.

  • For example in your export why even bother with the tiddler frame, just make it a webpage?
  • Perhaps you could include (by reference not in the file) to an external stylesheet publicly available on the internet/CDN, and allow specific css/elements be overridden as needed.
    • To make it easy perhaps the in wiki tiddler could use this same external style sheet? a type of WYSIWYG

@twMat Have a play with this, Matā€¦

\define rule-1( )
 .tc-story-river:has([data-radio=<<taguri>>]:checked) [data-id=<<id>>]

<$let taguri=my-tu id=my-id>

<code>&darr;</code> <span>Inspect the style element below me <code>&darr;</code></span>

<<rule-1>> {

Thanks, I testing around but return to the same problem so, to ensure I understand you example, may I ask you to insert the closing </$let> tag please? That is very much what the issue is about. (Without that closing tag, the styleblock becomes embedded.)

Its not needed since the <$let> is a shim to get the code working. In your actual code, taguri et al are defined ā€œoutsideā€, correct? So my ā€œletsā€ are just a means to get the demo up and running.