Hover to display feature of LeftBar plug-in is not working when used with multicolumn plug in

Hover to display feature of LeftBar plug-in is not working when used with multicolumn plug in. @twMat Can you think a possible fix for this issue?

Here is a demo wiki.

I made a right bottom-bar based on the leftBar plug-in by modifying the stylesheet - which would be useful for mobile usage. This is what I could come up with - https://right-bottombar.tiddlyhost.com/

The above mentioned issue with hover to display is not seen with this right bottom bar- don’t know why

Thanks for alert. I’ll take a look at this over the weekend.

Is this still an issue? Looking at your demo wiki, it seems the LeftBar plugin is disabled and it seems there is overall a lot of custom styling in the wiki so I have a hard time digging around.

I had to modify the wiki due to this request

I have found some workarounds for using LeftBar plug in with MCL. So currently this is not an issue. I will upload a fresh wiki if I encounter the issue again.