Help needed TWexe upgrade not working

Hello fellow TW users,

I hope you may be able to help me with the following problem:

I use TWexe since it allows me to still have the single file structure of TW with a lot of comfort (auto saving being the most imporant). Today I wanted to upgrade my TW Version. Afterwards the automatic saving did not work anymore. Before I had version 5.1.9 (the standard version TWexe comes with) and upgraded to 5.2.3. It appears the main issue is that TWexe uses the Tiddlyspotsaver but after the upgrade more savers (which at least had no tabs in the control panel but some show up as shadow tiddlers even in my non-upgraded file) appear after the upgrade. One of them is the Download saver. If I enable the Download saver to also save automatically, saving works but also automatically downloads a file to my download folder every single time. If I dont allow the downloader to do its thing then the automatic saving doesnt do anything at all. I suspect this has something to do with the downloaders automatic saving overwriding the overall automatic saving settings (even though the code I’ve looked at kind of tells a different story) or maybe the autosave function will just work if it can use every available saver or something. I’ve been on the problem for quite some hours over the last few days and haven’t found a solution (I thought of changing up the priority of the download saver and trying to uninstall it but I wasn’t able to (and didn’t find any info on how to delete/disable savers), also tried out a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t seem to help) and thought I’d ask here. Hopefully you all can help me :slight_smile:
Just for clarification: I’ve saved my old (5.1.9) file, uploaded it to the upgrade site of TW, got the new file and put it into TWexe by dragging and dropping it in like one is supposed to (according to the TWexe site linked on the official TW website).

Every help is very much appreciated!


I think for this one you are going to have to report it to the twexe and tiddlywiki github sites. Either the twexe package needs work, or something in the new release did not honor something twexe relied on.

  • It would possibly help if you tried a few different versions of tiddlywiki to see in what release the functionality was lost.

Best of luck, twexe was a nice option to have.

After you upgrade, adding these 2 tiddlers will allow saving again:

    "text": "",
    "title": "$:/UploadURL",
    "text": "yes",
    "title": "$:/UploadWithUrlOnly"


Alternatively, it appears you can enable saving from the $:/ControlPanel. Use a made-up name and password in the TiddlySpot Saver; along with this Server URL:

Thanks a million @amreus

TWexe is the simplest when a newbie starts TW.