Help creating a advanced search pane

I would like to create a advanced search pane that shows the results by displaying the field value of caption or headline and then the link to that tiddler is done with the title of the tiddler. It would also search in all fields to find results.


How to use TiddlyWiki - note-20230101

Funny you should ask this?

I just posted [RFC] Alternative List Items and features on items in a list here is an example with the caption or title.

  • It can be enhanced by transcluding the caption not just displaying it.
  • Is this close to what you are asking for?

This solution integrates with all Advanced Search panes, rather than creating a new one.

Please consider adding you desire “for a caption vs title” to be a list item option.

  • Which existing search tab would this “search pane” resemble?
  • Or is a version of the above what you want?

I will lock mine and reply in yours.

Thats not necessary, we can still advance this one.

Here’s what I ended up doing. I use pmario’s field search plugin

  1. Create a clone of Any Field, I called it SearchResultsCaption. In that tiddler, change $:/plugins/wikilabs/field-search/templates/Results to a clone of that tiddler, I used CaptionResults for the title.
  2. In CaptionResults, change $:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate to a new tiddler ListItemTemplate
  3. For ListItemTemplate, I used the following:
<div class="tc-menu-list-item"><$view field="caption"/><$view field="headline"/> <$link /></div>

It’s still a big rough but very close to what I desire.