Health tracker plugin (buff & debuff tracker) as a layout (mini fullscreen app)

CPL: TW-CPL — 太微插件聚合中心
Document: 健康增益和减益追踪器 — 记录各种健康问题、药物使用情况和恢复过程。你的个人健康存档。

Use the “simple layout launcher” on sidebar to open this mini app (layout)


Create “illness” (debuff) by click on button

It will bring you back to default layout, to edit a newly created tiddler.

This is a No Titie Tiddler, so you can create multiple “illness” without afraid of using same title. (You may get flu many times a year).

This is my first try to make “full-screen app” (aka, layout) that will jump back to default layout when editing a tiddler.

I think many application could be a standalone layout, for example, Tiddler Commander by @Mohammad , if move to a layout, then

  1. it won’t need to add a PageControl button, because PageControl is getting longer and longer, and icon is small, it is not a good launcher
  2. also plugins like some Todo plugin won’t need to add a SidebarTab, which can’t be hidden in ControlPanel, and is also getting longer and longer

But I’m not sure if this is a good patten, because in this theory, even ControlPanel should be a layout, just like the Setting app on your mobile phone.

Also plugin like Tidme (Tiddlywiki-native Anki plugin) will require frequent navigation between tiddlers (flash cards), it is better work in the default layout.

But anyway, I’m going to refactor my Todo plugin (ITKG plugin) to a layout too, because it need more space to display contents. And I want my “layout launcher” have more apps on it, and finally feels like the Android app launcher.


Have you looked at using the menu plugin as a place to put buttons you need while keeping the page free to do as you desire?

  • Or is that what your second image is an example of?

This menu can be restyled and buttons made conditional.

I haven’t think of that. If using menu plugin, Is there a standard place for application to put shortcuts? In this way, menu plugin can work like Windows Start menu.

In this post i’m mostly want to discuss about where should plugin developer put the app shortcut (especially who is developing a mini app).

I suppose it depends on if the user want the mini app to be the primary use of the tiddlywiki or along with other “mini-apps”. I think there is value creating a mini-app to be contained wholly within a tiddler, tiddlers can be made full screen if necessary, even opened in a new window etc…

But making the min-app launch icon visible could use more than one position and provide settings to disable the ones the user does not want.

  • Menu item which will only work if menu plugin installed
  • Launch Button in a tiddler tagged $:/tags/AboveStory
  • I Page Control button that appears in the sidebar (very Common)
  • A sidebar tab list of installed applications eg; use $:/tags/applications then others can also add a list item for their aps as well, to create them for other installed apps
  • If you place a button in $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage it will appear if all tiddlers are closed.
  • You can put it in the default tiddlers so it opens on wiki-load.

There are possibly other places but the above is most likely enough.

  1. page control - only simple buttons that a tap for triggering a function
  2. sidebar - if require frequent interactions between tiddlers on story and sidebar
    1. (not only meaning that the tiddler are modified, after all, all apps manipulate the tiddler behind the scenes.
    2. In this sidebar case, “interaction” means you will keep tapping on the right and the left).
  3. All other apps put into layouts, like calendars, multidimensional tables, whiteboards, mind maps, CPL, control panels, twcommander, whatever that use a different UI other than story flow to manipulate tiddlers.
    1. but yes, a tiddler version of UI can be provided, and opened by a PageControl button, even the UI will be more narrow, and when using that UI, user don’t acturally using the other part or TW UI at the same time.
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@saqimtiaz Your PR Support for switching page templates by saqimtiaz · Pull Request #4979 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub enable the $:/layout feature, what was the context? Apprecitate your input here.

An advantage of a tiddler based app, is that once existing it can be used in multiple different ways including;

  • An Item in the story river
  • A single tiddler in the zoomin view
  • Opened in the above story location
  • Displayed when all other tiddlers are closed - empty story
  • In open in;
    • A modal
    • A New Window (one of my Favorite methods at least on desktop, as still linked back to core wiki).
    • A new tab (caution with single file wikis)
  • In an I frame to another wiki

But not only this, such a solution may be able to be used via other templates, or even static html export for some non interactive applications.

This might not be the point, because everything is tiddler based, you can open a layout tiddler on story river (sorry for sometimes mis-used as “story flow”):

Calendar Layout tiddler

This basically means if I want, I can also provide PageControl button to open it, but I just don’t want PageControl drop-down list to be too long, so I’m not providing any short cut to it. And let layout launchers to render the button.

Because we are going to have 10-100 layout based apps in our wiki, to cover all aspect of our live, to keep all personal data privately in the wiki, and inter-connected.

I understand, You will need to choose how to present what you have yourself.

  • I was only sharing an approach you may or may not use.

I looked at your example but I do find it hard to play with it, with Chinese script. I wish I knew it, but I don’t. This makes it hard for me to look more deeply at your solutions, even the CPL.

  • I see you are contributing a lot, and I am very grateful, but I also find it hard to make use of and review and comment on your output.
  • I just have to live with this :frowning_face:

My plugins are all translated, with feat: t macro and docs by linonetwo · Pull Request #7821 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub (But not merged yet for a long time!)


Simply switch language with language page control button.

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But that is not yet in your EventsCalendarLayout?